Ray Bradbury Movie Fan

I recently purchased the Martian Chronicles DVD set and was very pleased with it (despite it being a low budget/dated production). I love movie adaptations of Ray Bradbury's work, "Fahrenheit 451" and "The Illustrated Man" are two more excellent examples of his work.


I love the Martian chronicles and think its Bradbury's best work by far. The film Fahrenheit 451 didnt compare at all to the book and nearly bored me to death.


Something wicked this way comes is the best adaptation. If I remember well Bradbury wrote the screenplay on this one


i loved that movie
i hated that they advertised it horribly so it did horrifically in theaters
it was advertised as a horror movie which is nothing like what it was
so i was pissed
but i do love that movie



There's a remake of Fahrenheit 451 that's been announced, with Frank Darabont (The Green Mile) directing.

I loved the original when it premiered, but bear in mind I was about 13 years old at the time. *Any* big budget science fiction film was an event; there were very few A-list pictures with SF content.

I watched it again on DVD when it came out, around eight years ago. Obviously it's dated now, but for its time I still think it's a well-done film. Hopefully the remake won't be stuffed to the gills with CGI but will try to stick to the book.

The best adapatations of Bradbury short stories are probably in the Ray Bradbury Theater series; Bradbury wrote the scripts.


I'd like to see a remake of Chronicles. Lots of people would.




He wrote the screenplay of that Moby Dick movie were Gregory Peck plays Ahab.
