Why only 3 episodes?
Copy I got has only 3 episodes. Was it canceled that fast?
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Well first of all it was a mini-series so unlike a normal series like Law and Order or Dragnet for example it wasn't intended to become a regular program. Then there is the three act structure that seems to be implied by the titles of the episodes. i.e. The Explorers, The Settlers, The Martians. One naturally progresses into the next one. And the mini-series was based on Ray Bradbury's short stories so there were only a limited amount of tales that could be presented as well.
shareI see. Thanks. Look forward to watching this. Rock Hudson was a great actor.
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You're welcome netrek. I agree he was a good actor in many roles. I remember him best in McMillian and Wife myself. Of course TMC is a classic (IMO) despite the fact that not all the facts about the fictional Mars match up with what reality gives us. I say enjoy it as the entertainment it's meant to be and don't worry about the discrepancies. It's not meant to stand in as a travelogue or history lesson after all. :)
I understand the three act format, but I remember it being much longer when it first aired. was anything edited out of the dvd?
"Life's tough. It's even tougher if you're stupid." John Wayne
I think after the first time it was shown on TV they cut quite a bit out. The scenes with Barry Morse and his family for example and Ben Driscol and his problem were cut in the version I remember seeing on TV. And of course there were commercial breaks on TV on the stations it was shown on (at least where I was) so it might have seemed longer since the commercials were cut out for the DVD. Centennial was the same way. Uncut (sans commercials) it's around 20 hrs long, but when it was shown on TV it came to almost 26 hrs in length. Figure 15 minutes of every hr is commercials * 20 hrs and you get 15 min * 20 hrs = 300 minutes/60 minutes = 5 hrs. so it seemed like it was between 25 and 26 hrs long but the actual show was around 20 hrs or so. Martian Chronicles would have been the same way I would think as it was released some 2 yrs after Centennial.