A great review.......of a movie that should have been but was not. Sadly the mini-series was made before the discovery of "five hour energy drink" -- not for the viewers - for the actors!! The viewers need something much more powerful. Bradbury called it boring and so do I. The acting was abysmal, which I blame on pedestrian directing and an uninspired script. I have never seen so many actors deliver their lines in a trance. And many of my favorite actors were in this long long series.
I saw it when first televised -- and was so disappointed. The special effects were downright lame even for its time. The Martian city and landscape were ludicrous -- even back then we knew it didn't have a blue sky with clouds LOL. And yes we all got the theme of the series -- they certainly weren't subtle about it. Unfortunately much of the script was still mired in the fifties fear of nuclear war.
Having said that -- it had a few moments, but they were few and far between. I was expecting the treatment you described in your review - but got a very pale imitation. Of course only my opinion, but certainly not a lone one.