MovieChat Forums > The Martian Chronicles (1980) Discussion > My Review of This Epic Sci-Fi Series

My Review of This Epic Sci-Fi Series

I just posted my review for The Martian Chronicles on my film site, The Lucid Nightmare, so check it out if you're interested and let me know what you think. Thanks for looking and enjoy. s.html

I'm runnin this monkey farm now !!


Thanks, I enjoyed that review, and I think you have a great site there!

If you don't mind criticism, I didn't like the humorous captions, but that's your site and the only thing I didn't like anyway.



Thanks, I enjoyed that review, and I think you have a great site there!

If you don't mind criticism, I didn't like the humorous captions, but that's your site and the only thing I didn't like anyway.

I agree. I think that the "Mars-elicious!" and the "Sh*t! Roddy McDowall spotted me! Run for it Marty!" stuff takes away from an otherwise wonderful review. Other than that kind of stuff, the review is great. Well done.


A great review.......of a movie that should have been but was not. Sadly the mini-series was made before the discovery of "five hour energy drink" -- not for the viewers - for the actors!! The viewers need something much more powerful. Bradbury called it boring and so do I. The acting was abysmal, which I blame on pedestrian directing and an uninspired script. I have never seen so many actors deliver their lines in a trance. And many of my favorite actors were in this long long series.

I saw it when first televised -- and was so disappointed. The special effects were downright lame even for its time. The Martian city and landscape were ludicrous -- even back then we knew it didn't have a blue sky with clouds LOL. And yes we all got the theme of the series -- they certainly weren't subtle about it. Unfortunately much of the script was still mired in the fifties fear of nuclear war.

Having said that -- it had a few moments, but they were few and far between. I was expecting the treatment you described in your review - but got a very pale imitation. Of course only my opinion, but certainly not a lone one.
