MovieChat Forums > The Martian Chronicles (1980) Discussion > Pollution: Biggs empties bottles, Spende...

Pollution: Biggs empties bottles, Spender tosses Biggs

Biggs was 'polluting' the river by emptying the bottles into it. He had to be STOPPED!

But then Spender zaps Biggs and leaves his body floating in the water. That was okay.

Now Wilder and Darren McGavin fished Biggs out of the water, yes, but if Spender saw nothing wrong with leaving an Earthling corpse floating in the river, there was no need to so brazenly conclude Biggs was polluting the water with the bottles.

And Biggs not being in awe of the Martian 'culture' and belching and getting sick. If we could view the Gettysburg address or signing of the Magna Carta, we would all come away with different perspectives; from being bored to overwhelmed.

But Biggs, like the Wilder kids, why are you there if you even run the risk of being bored?


Bodies are biodegradable!


It was more of a case of Biggs'whole disrespectful attitude that Spender took exception to. The bottle throwing was just the tip of the iceberg of Biggs' destructive behaviour. More would follow from Biggs and others like him. The body in the water was a sm all price to pay to get rid of him.


No worries - Biggs just became martian fish food. I'm wondering why Spender hopped a ride to Mars, if he really felt no one should be there!
