The Kids Were Bored?

I just bought it on DVD and I remember it so well from watching it 30+ years ago, I don't expect any surprises.

I'm not thru part one yet, but one bit I have always remembered was Rock Hudson's kids sitting there in the final part, and they were bored.

BORED! On MARS! My brother and I couldnt get over that. This was when Rock took them on the river at the end.

For some reason, that just never sat well with me.

Another one was the 'jealous husband' at the beginning of the first part, who kills the first two astronauts.

He put on that helmet with its one-eye cyclops look and I laughed. I was a very cynical teen-ager, but it didnt look foreign or alien, it looked ridiculous.

I've always hated alien guns from Star Trek to Doctor Who, all the swords and shooting buttons, so that didn't matter, but that helmet just made me laugh.


Not to worry, the kids weren't bored for long. Little Billy and his sister Marie grew to be young adults, became lovers, and raised a beautiful little in-bred family, and all their little incest babies were born with red eyes, no hair or ears, and, wait.......Hmmmmmm.....


I would like to believe others eventually joined them. Not everyone could have returned to Earth (and died). Others were spotted on the planet so why not families too? Eventually, as with Wilder and his family, they would be compelled to live where the original Martians lived and meet up. Hopefully in peace and prosperity.
