Was TMC's Casting Director on Crack?
I think the only movie Darrin McGavin was even remotely good in was when he played the Dad in the modern classic "A Christmas Story." When I recognized him in TMC I couldn't believe how appalling his acting was, even if played for comic relief. I'm glad I'm not the only one who thinks that.
Did anyone else find either his Sam Parkhill or Roddy McDowall's priest incredibly annoying?
I saw the original airing of this series as a wee sprog. It aired in Jan. 1980 so it was really filmed in the late 70's and therefore can't be blamed for its (lack of) special FX. This was a BBC production and England did not have an equivalent of ILM at the time, especially for a TV show budget.
Perhaps my memory is failing me but I don't recall the "fake Jesus" church scene. Maybe it aired in the UK but I think that scene got chopped for American TV audiences...
One thing they did right was the Martian sets, locations, & costuming. I remember as a kid always wanting to see more of the Martians and less of the boring humans bumbling about on Mars. When Rock Hudson's Wilder takes his children to the canal to show them that the Martians are their reflections in the water, did anyone else feel ripped off seeing that scene as a kid? As an adult now I can understand it's meaning but at the time I remember feeling really let down. lol...