In 2011 this is a complete waste of time. Don't bother with TMC.
I watched this as a kid and liked it 30+ years ago. But even then, the space F/X were terrible. I just watched the first installment (The Expeditions) today on DIRECTV ON DEMAND. Oh my GOD!! It aged worse then almost anything I've ever seen. Space 1999 would give this a run for it's money, and in some respects, would win.
The three 2 hour episodes seem like 3 separate Twilight Zone scripts that were expanded from 20 to 120 minutes and then loosely tied together by setting them on "Mars" and each having appearances Rock Hudson. It actually has the feel of forcing pieces from 3 different jigsaw puzzles together and calling it 'one puzzle'. Each of the three parts are padded and stretched for no other apparent purpose than to make the running time longer. And the Twilight Zone feel is no coincidence, as the screenplay was penned by noted TZ writer Richard Matheson. But here, it just doesn't work.
The F/X - bad in it's own era. UNACCEPTABLE by any standard today. Star Trek TOS blows it away. The only example of worse F/X would be the giant carrot episode of Lost in Space.
Story - may work as a short story, but as a 3 part 360 minute mini-series, it's long and boring. Dumb story lines that actually have little to do with anything 'Martian' will wear down the patience of nearly any viewer.
Dialogue - unbelievably cheesy.
Acting - amateurish and wooden.
Sets - A step above Land of the Lost.
For those who think this should be remade - think again. It would require a massive overhaul. Not even the title could remain, as it's painfully obvious Mars isn't a single bit (nor could it be) like anything depicted in either the TV or book version. Better to come up with something completely different than trying to rework The Martian Chronicles.