Distant Relative

I'm only about halfway through the episode, but isn't Magnum really kind of responsible for Wendy's death? He was driving her around that night and he took her to that bar. Really, he should have just gone to that Disney movie after all or just spent the evening playing Scrabble with her in the suite instead. It's not like she overpowered him or pulled a gun on him. It's his own fault.


Did he have a reason to believe Wendy would die? I don't recall this episode. However, I have noticed that people throw around the "accusation" of responsibility for actions that the person had no reason to believe would result in a bad result.

Example: George suggests the gang go to the park. They arrive and are having a great time. A speeding car misses a curve in the nearby parkway and careens across the ground, striking one of the gang and killing them.

Is George responsible? After all, he was the one who suggested they go to the park. The answer, of course, is no. He would have no reason to suspect a car was going to be speeding by or that it would jump the curb.

Responsibility only attaches if there is reasonable expectation.
