To each their own, you can't decide that something's poor taste just because it doesn't fit your own...
I, for one, saw the original as a kid and am seeing the new one now, as an adult, and I have to tell you, I love the original way more.
WHY? Because the new one is good, but it's not fantastic, which should be a condition for a remake that has so little to do with the original (only the superficial features remain common, the way that Apollo's name is kept, only now it's a nickname, a cover for his real "Earthlike" name, Lee). I mean, most of the plots that the new show explores were already explored in enough sci-fi movies and shows, in my opinion.
As for the original not being character driven, all I can say is - meh. You can see it that way, but I loved it precisely for the characters, for their being the "obviously" good guys, but being flawed, human and somewhat fragile at the same time. It could be subtle at times, but it was there and I loved it.
Also, I loved how the connections with real Earth culture, the way you felt they were going somewhere, because the common past was too strong a trail too lose, even in space, and I loved how what was just reality to me - Earth - became myth for them. It was a brilliant concept, if you ask me. And the general feeling wasn't as though this was happening in the future, but in a present simply removed from us by space, not by time, so that any day now, Apollo, Starbuck, Adama, Sheba and the lot could have landed right outside my door (an idea which actually came true, sort of badly, in the 1980's series). That gave me even more food to think about, and all in all, this was one show whose episodes kept running in my mind long after I'd turn the TV set off. The new series doesn't have the same effect on me, as simple as that.
I used to have a , but damnit do I want a !