Junkie Warriors

Motivated by this thread, http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0080120/board/thread/218943846
and the recent demise of Philip Seymour Hoffman, I ask: among the 9 Warriors we got to know, which one would be the most likely to be a hardcore heroin addict?



I heard there was a lot of smack on the streets of New York in the '70s thanks to guys like Nicky Barnes. There were heavy casualties and some neighborhoods were practically destroyed.

Ajax looked like he worked out a lot and not like a junkie. But he was an imbecile and dumb enough to mess around with something dangerous like smack.

Marcelino Sánchez played Rembrandt. He died of AIDS related cancer in 1986 at the age of 28. I think he was gay. Notthattheresanythingwrongwiththat. I don't know if he used heroin.


Heroin is good for you.

"I had to rescue a burning baby. See, I got burning baby all over me."


Janis Joplin said something like "how can something that feels so good be so fvckin' bad" about heroin.


Ajax for sure. He had an anything goes attitude.


What a stupid *beep* question.


As stupid as you may think it is, you still had to click on it to see what kind of thread it created. Not only that, but you commented! Well done!

We've met before, haven't we?


None of them would do heroin. They are gang members who need to be ready to fight. Heroin makes you useless for a period of time.
