Military analysis of the Warriors gang
I've done this before but IMDB typically empties out old posts from time to time so I'll repeat my post from three years ago. It may be controversial but leadership is never quite as objective as we think and a lot of emotion and other human factors, well, factor in.
SWAN: Swan was the proper leader for the Warriors in the life-and-death emergency they faced after Cyrus' murder at Van Cortland Park. Swan's mind was sharp and quick. He was a man of few words but a lot of quick, decisive action which saved the Warriors on several occasions because there was but scant seconds to make the decision that would have meant the difference between being surrounded, cut off and annihilated by rival gangs or captured by the police. Swan's mental strength was that his mind never dwelt on the past or the 'oh *beep* of the moment. His mind was quick to decide where to proceed next. While normal men might stand there and groan about their misfortune, Swan's mind is already calculating what to do next, a mental capability common to all effective leaders.
Swan wasn't perfect. He was a great, war-time leader but his personality was bland, a characteristic of even-temperament, logical, thinking people who are either into numbers or are good leaders. Had the situation been a normal, peaceful, relaxed one and somehow Cleon, the original leader, disappeared, the Warriors may have leaned towards the more charismatic, more colorful, more emotional, and best fighter, Ajax, of course not knowing his vibrant, masculine personality and ego concealed a true lack of leadership ability. The Warriors may have elected Ajax as leader and Swan would have gone along.
AJAX: Ajax is the kind of warrior fighter that ancient tribal peoples would have honored as their champion warrior and defender of the tribe. Then as now, some men are born natural fighters and may also have some degree of personal charisma. But while these men may have been granted some level of leadership within the tribe, the tribe's experienced elders would have wisely selected a man of cool leadership ability. Ajax stood next to original leader, Cleon, as the face of and the defenders of the Warriors. Ajax may have been the fighting heart and fighting spirit of the Warriors, but the movie clearly showed he was too egotistical and too self-centered as well as lacking in good judgment and temper for proper leadership. His vibrant, masculine personality, aggressiveness alpha male persona, and undoubted charisma concealed his flaws.
SNOW: In the movie, the handsome, young black man, Snow, comes across as potential leadership material. In my assessment, Snow would have been an excellent choice for war chief, had Swan permanently claimed the gang leadership as war lord after Cleon's death. Had Swan been killed, Snow would have been the best choice for leader. He exhibited much of the personality traits of a good leader as had Cleon and Swan. He was the third best fighter in the group. He showed self-control and judgment, even temperament, and was quick to put straight any Warrior who was saying or doing foolish or stupid things.
FOX: Fox had been wisely selected by Cleon as the gang's consigliore, the diplomat, the counselor, the advisor, the guy with the brains. Fox even showed cool judgment, even-temper, courage, and was articulate. He had some minor leadership role by his position as the gang's advisor and brains. It was a loss for the Warriors when he was killed by the train. Rembrandt, despite his
slim physique, youth, and inexperience, showed the possibility of being Fox's successor given more time and experience.