Overrated Cult Movie
This movie definitely dd not hold up. A 7.7 on here is very ludacris!
shareI agree. Really it's a genuinely Dumb movie. So many plotholes. Silly characters. I watched it again for the first time in 30 years and it does not hold up. It's laughable at best.
shareRight from the beginning... NOBODY ELSE saw Luther shoot Cyrus? So *beep* stupid. Also The Warriors always look like they're about to cry. I've never seen such a doe-eyed group of alleged "thugs".
'Slippy flappy suck sook!'--Lappy Slapsum, "The Rage of Friction"
drew-155 wrote:
Right from the beginning... NOBODY ELSE saw Luther shoot Cyrus?
I guess you've never been around a gun being shot. If you're within 15 feet of a .38 being shot, your ears will hurt and ring for like 20 minutes. If you had ever heard real gunshot, you'd realize that you were the stupid one.
'Slippy flappy suck sook!'--Lappy Slapsum, "The Rage of Friction"
Absolute bulls#!t. I own multiple pistols including a .45 and have shot it w/o ear protection. You shouldn't exaggerate to make the point that the shot would've been noticed.
shareBut at the time it came out it was actually pretty well done- for a teenage gang film. It just doesn't pass the test of time.
shareI just saw it -- yeah it's pretty dumb. Decent songs though. Is that what people outside of NYC thought gangs were like?
share^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^you and you are insane^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
"Get the point...get the point!" Terry Silver Karate Kid III
Could not disagree more.
shareThe only thing I like about it is that it stars NYC the way it was when I was a teenager. I'm talking about the way it looked though not the way it was. The only gangs roaming the streets dressed like these gangs were in the meat packing district.
'Slippy flappy suck sook!'--Lappy Slapsum, "The Rage of Friction"
It's not a Classic in the sense of a 'Goodfellas' and that's what people dont understand. It was made to be weird, colorful and just OUT THERE in general. It's entertaining and im very much into film in the classical sense
shareExactly kmags84. In addition, the choreography and editing of the action sequences was brilliant. Walter Hill was never more masterful.
sharePrecisely. 48hrs is great, so is Hard Times in its own way, he wrote Aliens... I mean, he did okay for a good 10+ years. He was at his most creative with The Warriors though, no doubt about it
shareI saw the movie in the theatres and loved it, I think it was even rated 'R' at the time. It is dated, but the premise of the story is great. I'd stand in line and buy a ticket if they did a reboot.
shareExactly, The Warriors is not a classic the way The Wizard of Oz, A Clockwork Orange, or The Godfather are classics.. It's far from what is traditionally considered a masterpiece, but it is still enjoyable for what it is.
shareI cannot argue with this opinion. What a *beep* stupid movie. The one film Roger Ebert was right about. It's more absurd than Bronx Warriors. I'm pretty sure this movie was supposed to be for homosexuals. I don't think I've ever seen a less threatening group of "gang members". Who the hell thinks baseball uniforms are scary? We used to call that gang "The Gay Yankees". If I met the warriors in a back alley, I'd be afraid of them trying to *beep* me in the ass, not beat me up.
'Slippy flappy suck sook!'--Lappy Slapsum, "The Rage of Friction"
Ebert was kind of toeing the studio line in 1979. The Warriors was somewhat of a new concept; an edgy beat-em up movie that wasn't too sappy or a western that a high school to early 20's audience could relate to. It led the way for films like Escape from NY. Look at the work Kurt Russell did before EFNY; he played somewhat naive campy characters.
I was taking a film class in HS during this time. We had to both review the films and do reports on as many Siskel and Ebert shows as we could. VHS was new at the time and the school got one and the Siskel and Ebert were recorded. We all thought The Warriors had some pretty stupid story issues, like everyone laughed when the baseball team started picking up bats, but all the guys and girls wore hair like we did, not either 50 - early 60's style or super long and greasy. We could relate. We had to guess what film would end up being a classic, The Warriors for '80 and Airplane! for '81. For HS kids we didn't do too bad. I'll tell ya - Ebert didn't get really cool until later in his career.
Watching it 35 years later? Yeah, it seems a little dated. No CGI and they couldn't fudge things in post like they can now - I've also watched a lot of movies since then. Would it stack up with films today? No, that's why its a classic.
Thanks for the post I enjoyed reading it.
shareFor each of you here who thinks that the movie was garbage there are an equal amount of us here who love it and accept it for what it was, warts and all. The problem with opinions on either side is that they are one's own and only meaningful to their beholder.
shareI think the OP and the other naysayers are members of the Orphans.
"Get back here! I'm not through demeaning you!"
Be careful they have a heavy rep, you mess with them you'll find that out....lol
shareNice... That's why its a cult classic. Of course it's ridiculous, so what?!? It was a different time
shareThe OP is definitely the dude with half an eye in The Orphans... His girl would get a train and probably like it!
shareLook I get it, it's not for everybody. It helps to be of a certain age and from the city. But even though I fall into those categories, this is really horribly written. I've seen porn with lBetter writing.
shareIt is. Just a ridiculous movie, but one that has stuck with me since I was a kid. Maybe that's why it has such a high rating - nostalgia
"Gold buys a mans silence for a time. A bolt to the heart buys it forever"