Did Balzac inspire Tarkovsky?
This sounds like the central idea of "Stalker":
"Reaching France that very evening, he straight away took the road for the Auvergne and arrived at the spa of the Mont-Dore. During this journey he was struck by one of those unexpected ideas which flash through the mind like a ray of sunshine through dense cloud, lighting up a dark valley. The light of sadness, of a merciless wisdom, illumines past events, reveals our mistakes, and leaves us without forgiveness for ourselves. He thought suddenly that the possession of power, however great, did not give a person the knowledge of how to use it. To a child a scepter is a toy, for Richelieu an axe, and for Napoleon a means to bend the world to his will. Power leaves us as we are and only makes the great greater. Raphael had had the ability to do whatever he liked; he had done nothing."
—Honoré de Balzac, "The Wild Ass's Skin," tr. Helen Constantine (Oxford, 2012), 206.