needs remake

The film has some good ideas but its really important that Hollywood remakes it as only Hollywood can. I really think foreign filmmakers take it as a compliment when their films are redone and they see where they might have done better. As a matter of fact, the majority of movies playing in over seas theaters are American films! That in itself is a big compliment to Americans visitors the fist time they see American films out numbering movies made in that country.The citizens of that country demand American Movies over their own.

Anyway, Stalker will be a great remake.


The film has some good ideas but its really important that Hollywood remakes it as only Hollywood can

... why?

I'm not sure I understand why you'd want/need a remake.

Speaking of which, is you're saying they should "remake" Stalker as it was made by Tarkovsky - meaning it would also have to be a slow-paced film - I don't think many directors out there could be up for the task.

Now, if you're saying they should make a new adaptation based on the original source material, Hollywood would likely miss the entire point of the story, change the characters to include teens and dumb romance, and rely on spectacular CGI.

Who knows, really.

Fine, fine, I'll leave! But first I'm going to bother these peanuts! Hmm? Yes? Hmm? HMM?


So because in countries outside of the USA they watch American movies they should remake Stalker in Hollywood? Logic?


Dear Mr.Blondee,

Original poster is being sarcastic.


top lel


You know you're right. I should be glad that they remade THE LADY KILLERS in the way that only Hollywood can do.

And, unfortunately, it was remade in the way that only Hollywood could do.


Jim Carrey was born to play the lead in the big budget Hollywood remake. Is Smashmouth still around? They could do the soundtrack.
