Original thoughts?

Think back to the first time you saw this movie. What were your initial feelings? Were you scared, bored, or irritated?

On a scale of 1-10, where do you put Salem's Lot 1979 on the scare factor?


I was eleven in November of 1979. Part One didn't really grab my interest until the last half hour. Part Two the following Saturday was another story entirely. I remember watching it with my parents and being utterly riveted by it. I felt very adult sitting there with my parents (I'm an only child) I especially liked the sequence in the morgue with Mrs. Glick and Ben Mears and any of the scenes involving Barlow. It's one of my fond memories from my childhood. I lost my father a few months ago so any fond memories with my dad are important. Aa a result the original "Salem's Lot" occupies a special place in my memories. Call it nostalgia.


That's a touching story about your father, sorry for your loss. I'm glad/thankful both my parents are still here, and I recall my dad flipping thru channels that night in 11/79 until we saw the opening preview for this great film. I mostly remember Danny biting Mike to end the 1st part, and how the camera froze on that scene. I was 9 yrs old, and a young Catholic boy, and this film hit me harder that most others I ever saw, and it also holds a special place in my dark heart too:)


Your heart isn't dark Stones.


is so...


FWIW, these msg boards are closing for good on 2/20/17, and I'm pretty bummed about it. Nice knowing you folks.


This has been happening all over the place. Espn, Bleacher Report and several other sites where I used to post comments. They want everyone on Twitter and Facebook, or at least where there is less anonymity.

It's hard for the government to track someone and the comments they make when they don't know all their ID's and avatars on multiple sites. It's easier to find them when there are only two places to post.


I'm not a member of either, and I won't be. ESPN is crap and I'm glad subs are down big-time there.


I remember my parents watching this in first-run on tv when I was four years old!

Yes, scared ....


I was too young to remember any hype at all for this film; it's like it came outta nowhere.
