The Titanic itself
Does anyone else think that the Titanic in S.O.S, is slightly more modern. I know it was shot on the Queen Mary, but its just quite "un-titanic", with a radar, rounded bridge and stairways everywhere !!!
Does anyone else think that the Titanic in S.O.S, is slightly more modern. I know it was shot on the Queen Mary, but its just quite "un-titanic", with a radar, rounded bridge and stairways everywhere !!!
Yeah i was hoping they would have amazing COLOUR footage of the ship going down, but all we got was Bill Warringtons footage colourized. By the way for all Titanic afficianados, if you listen when the ship starts to go down, you can slightly hear Kenneth More shouting "move from the ships side" tis very quiet but shows where the footage came from
I wonder if theres any extra shots of the ship going down in the longer version ?
I know, i never understood, why she isnt portrayed as an 18yr old as she was in reality !
David Janssen was too old to play John Astor, the best he was ever played in movies was by Eric Braeden in the James Cameron Titanic
The casting department deserves kudos for casting the passengers. Almost true to life.
Also, in S.O.S Titanic, isnt it funny how you see characters that you dont see in other versions of the story ie Olaus Abelseth, Dan and Mary Marvin etc
Its just such a shame that not many people have seen S.O.S
Its a great film for the historical innaccuracies, but dont get me started on the 53' version. !!!
Not only did David Janssen look too old -with the beard that the real Astor never had- but he looked and sounded very ill. Did anyone notice that he almost seemed to be wheezing half his lines?
The real Astor was in his mid to late 40's at the time of the sinking. He didn't look like he was 60 and his health was generally good. (I've never heard anything to the contrary, so I presume he was in godo health).
Didn't he die after finishing this film ??? im sure he did ???