Is it worth getting the new DVD?

Here's a link to the new DVD's specs:

Now, I own the old R2/R4 DVD release, and so far the main differences seem to be:

-An upgraded sound mix (2.0 to 5.1)
-The new extras.

What I don't know is whether its a new dubbing or not. So far the only dubs I'm aware of are the Streamline dub (the "clean" one, where Lupin is referred to as Wolf, and IMHO the better dub), and the new dub (more coarse language, but its apparently closer to the original Japanese dialogue). If anyone's already gotten their hands on the new DVD, I'd appreciate any feedback on it, and as to whether its worth the upgrade.

Thanks in advance.

P.S. Since this debate's been raging for so long on this board, I'll throw my bit in: this movie IS a Miyazaki film. Just because it's not a Studio Ghibli film, doesn't mean that it forfeits its Miyazaki characteristics.


I'm getting the new one since I don't have it on DVD yet. Concerning the dub it doesn't bother me. I always watch a film in it's original language with subtitles.


I don't know what the difference is between the R2/4 release and R1, but I do know that the new R1 Spec Ed is superior to the old R1 non-Spec Ed in every respect save for one.

It's got a marvelously clear anamorphic transfer, excellent sound, and both the Japanese and Manga's newer English dub. It's got the complete animatic/storyboard version of the film and a fascinating interview with Yasuo Ohtsuka (which would have been better if the interviewer had actually researched the man beforehand, but it's still pretty good).

What it doesn't have is the fully-animated version of the opening titles, because TMS gave them a still-frames-only version with the print it provided.

Don't get rid of your old copy, but the new one is still worth having.


Thanks for the responses, guys. I finally got round to getting it, for a bargain price too :-). Anyway, now that I own both R4 DVDs of this film, heres' an update for those still wanting to know the answers...

About the supposedly "all-new" dub... it is in fact nothing else but the Streamline Dub of the early 1990s. This is the one where Lupin is referred to as "Wolf", and without direct reference to "Goat Bills", and also without the swearing. (For Australian readers, if you're still not sure, this is the dub that SBS uses whenever they show this on TV). Now, this is not a bad thing- after all, I actually prefer the Streamline dub over the newer one, because of the better voice acting and less profanity.

Oh, and the sound is Stereo, NOT 5.1 like the cover says. Be warned.


A couple of years ago I rented the old DVD and recently I bought the Special Edition. I can tell you that the new version (R1) is far superior than the old one. Not only because of the extras and the new 5.1 english track but also because the picture looks cleaner and unlike the old R1 release this one is anamorphic (enhanced for 16x9 TV sets).
Plus it contains dubs in French and Spanish and english subtitles.

The only bad thing: The Japanese audio track is only available in mono. IMO the original language track should be treated in the same way than the english one. There are people out there who prefers to listen movies in their original language.

Another minor nuisance is that the Special edition it's a double-sided disc. The movie in one side, extras in the other side. I don't like double-sided DVD's because they are more propense to suffer scratches. Why not to release it as a 2 disc set as most studios does???
