what happen to kevin (ray winstone)
do they say
shareIt isn't conformed what happened to him. From the last shot we see of him, he's lying injured on the rubblish bags along with his bike so its safe to say he didn't die.
"T'ank you veddy much!"
(Formerly The_godfather_06, Godfather_07 & Mr_Martini_08)
Frustrating that Ray plays Kevin in this film.
I saw this film years ago, in my early teens, before I even knew who Ray Winstone was. It was only quite a few years later I realised he was a cool actor.
Now, my boyfriend is fond of football, and his team is WestHam, just like Rays'. So even though he hasn't seen Ray in many films, he still likes Ray, because well... Ray is Ray and he's cool, and because they share the same passion for the same team. Besides my boyfriend he's very much into music, and he always found it cool that Bill Curbishley (brother of former WestHam manager Alan) produced this film/managed the Who. So I've convinced him to see this film, but just realised that Ray plays Kevin, the rocker who's brutally beat up at some point in this film. Argh! It'll depress my boyfriend. Frustrating.
- Who's the lady with the log?
- We call her the Log Lady.
Ray is a fantastic talented actor. I love him.
If it harms none, do what thou wilt.