It's sort of similar to Dazed & Confused, which I really didn't care for. I like Over the Edge though. It's more raw and frightening. These kids lived destructively. Aren't we living in a destructive time now? With all the school shootings that have happened within the last couple of years, the easy access to drugs and alcohol (at least at my high school), and, what I have witnessed seeing in a good bit of my classmates, a numbness a lot of teenagers have in order to not care about what is happening to their generation. This numbness has, unfortunately become necessary in order to block out pain in a time of war and destruction.
Sorry for the rant on my generation.
I honestly don't see why Over the Edge isn't more famous than Dazed & Confused. D&C might be more realistic to everyday life right now, but Over the Edge shows what teenagers might become. - my movie review "website".