MovieChat Forums > Over the Edge (1979) Discussion > Does Anybody else think this movie shoul...

Does Anybody else think this movie should be famous?

They dont make movies like Over the Edge any more... I think this movie got banned when it came out so its sorta like a hidden gem... i feel bad for some of the actors or actresses who could have become famous from this movie


I agree with ya there. It never made it to the theaters so not enough people go to see it. It is a classic and it does have a pretty big cult following with fan sites and fan groups and all that


Yes. The only one who really got anything out of it was Matt Dillon.

Michael Kramer did well as Karl, and Pamela Ludwig (Cory)....*slurp*...I would have walked barefoot across broken glass for her!

Even the guy who played Sgt. Doberman really played the part of an over-the-top cop who likes to hassle kids just for the heck of it to a T; there were cops in my neighbourhood who behaved almost like him.


A lot of the reason it's not famous is because it never got a proper theater release. The frustrating thing about that is that if the same thing happened to a movie these days it would still have a chance to become famous through its DVD release. But in 1979, there was no videotape, let alone DVD.

Personally, I'm glad it never got famous. It will always be one of my famous movies of all time. The music, the teen angst attitude, and its depiction of drugs all had a giant influence on my teenage years.

I'll just be happy with my DVD copy to watch in my old age :-)


I rememnber watching this on cable. Either HBO or Prism back in 79-80. It was such a great movie, still is. I was 10 then, and remember thinking that these kids were so cool. Of course now I know better. Think Im gonna order this one on DVD!


I remember watching this movie on HBO when I was a kid around 1981. It was actually released straight to cable then in theaters later. Glad they did it that way though. I could have never seen it in the theaters; I was only 10.



My family got cable for the first time in 79 when i was 13 (12 channels + Home Box Office! Woo hoo!!) and this was one of the first movies I ever saw on HBO and it made a HUGE impression. I lived in the suburbs where there was literally nothing for kids to do but get in trouble and I identified deeply with the kids in the movie. And I fell madly in love with Pamela Ludwig.

Funny thing is, just like the movie, the average everyday trouble seems so tame today.


They lit a school on fire and locked all the parents inside. I wouldn't call that tame in any time period. Neither is shooting a cop car with a b b gun or a lot of the other stuff they did


I said AVERAGE EVERYDAY TROUBLE... BB guns, a little pot...


It's sort of similar to Dazed & Confused, which I really didn't care for. I like Over the Edge though. It's more raw and frightening. These kids lived destructively. Aren't we living in a destructive time now? With all the school shootings that have happened within the last couple of years, the easy access to drugs and alcohol (at least at my high school), and, what I have witnessed seeing in a good bit of my classmates, a numbness a lot of teenagers have in order to not care about what is happening to their generation. This numbness has, unfortunately become necessary in order to block out pain in a time of war and destruction.

Sorry for the rant on my generation.

I honestly don't see why Over the Edge isn't more famous than Dazed & Confused. D&C might be more realistic to everyday life right now, but Over the Edge shows what teenagers might become. - my movie review "website".


How come so many "deeply identify with the kids in the movie" etc?
These kids - or teenager hooligans - steal, take drugs, sell drugs, destroy cars, library, school, kill policemen and generally live a destructive life seeking trouble.
How the *** can this be some kind of "ideal"?



Thius film has a very loyal and sizable fan following, so it isn't completely obscure.

"We're all part Shatner/And part James Dean/Part Warren Oates/And Steven McQueen"


hell yea! This movie is almost a 100 percent realistic representation of life as a kid/teen in the late 70's/very early 80's! I saw it around 1981 or 1982 when i was 13 or 14 and i said: "goddam that's me!" LOL! I most identified with the "Johnny" character even tho' he was mute i looked and acted like him. Cool, 12 and long hair and a skateboard! XD

This movie has gained cult status and i know i have turned many ppl younger than me onto it and they have enjoyed it as much as me and have almost always invariable said: "I wish i was a kid/teen in the late 70's/early 80's like you, because today's world sucks!".

I don't know about that, but i wouldn't have grown up in ANY other era as this was a wild damn fun time in my life! :)

¸.·´¸.·*´¨) ¸.·*¨)
(¸.·´ (¸.·´TAKE ME BACK TO 1979!!! ;)


I DO!! Not enough people know about this film.



It doesn't bother me too much that "Over The Edge" is not better known. I am just glad that I discovered it.


When was the last time a movie like "Over The Edge" was made?
