kurt cobain

I've just seen a tv program in england about music videos. they started discussing the smells like teen spirit video and kurt cobain wanted the music video to be a short version of this film/

the director said that it would cost too much and the director saidd that he was teh one behind the camera which is why kurt looked so mad in the video cos the director would not sue any of his ideas

Sometimes you got to make it on your own


Yeah, Channel 4 and another one of it's '100 Greatest'' shows. In ''Journals'' which features some of Kurt's diary entries you'll see he wrote a bit about Over The Edge, not much but it's worth noting I guess. I think he saw it when he was like 13 or 14 (not that he was 13/14 in 1979, but I think he saw it a few years later, cos he was only about 12 in 1979 - yeah, I know WAY too much about Kurt Cobain!) & i'm thinking it had quite an influence on him!


Over The Edge was made in 1979, but not actually released until 2 years later when it was shown on HBO (it's right in the Trivia section here on IMDB).

Therefore, Kurt really was 13/14 when he saw it.


In the documentary "Montage of Heck" on HBO he recorded a conversation with his friend "Osborne" and they're both talking about how much they loved the film and Kurt says something like "I tried to do it" I.e. regarding the scene when the kids lock up the parents at the meeting...

To the above poster I know see where you made a thread about the same thing. My bad.

I've always loved the movie, too..been years now since I lost saw it, wish it would come on more.


Yha, I saw Montage and loved that part of him talking about OTE.


Ya know what ? Who cares what Kurt Cobain thinks about that movie. Why is his opinion important anyways, it's not. The guy was a poseur anyways.


because millions of americans listen to kurt cobain. hearing that it was one of kurt cobain's favorite movies will boost rentals and sales...


p.s. I heard Tip was his favorite character. I don't know if that's a verified fact.


thx1070, If you don't like kurt cobain then *beep* off and go listen to cher and watch powerpuff girls.




how the hell was he a poseur? he lived his whole life not to be


People who spell poser as "poseur" are posers.


"The guy was a poseur anyways."

"People who spell poser as "poseur" are posers." Agreed.

And people who think that whether being a poser or not is important, are idiots. I think concern over being a poser or a purist may have worsened Kurt's depression.

Kurt actually got upset that a couple of the guys from R.E.M. appeared on a TV celebrity golf game for CHARITY. He idolized R.E.M.

From the description I can understand why Kurt would like this movie, because he felt neglected by his divorced parents. It seems like it would appeal to people with those issues. I checked it out because of was referenced a lot in a Cobain documentary.

I had never heard of this movie. I think I'll check it out. It must be one of Matt's earliest movies. I first heard about him in "Tex" (I think) which is at least this old.



That is kool that Cobain liked "The Outsiders". I also liked that movie. I am about the same age as Cobain. The town I grew up in there really had a "wrong side of the tracks". "The Outsiders" reminds me of my friends growing up. We didn't have much, but we had each other. I am still close with some of them almost thirty years later.


I am not a Kurt Cobain fan. But it is kool that he liked "Over The Edge".

California stoner rock band Fu Manchu recorded a song "Over The Edge" for their 1999 "King of the Road" album. It may have been inspired by the movie. Maybe it was just the title. Please click on
The guys from Fu Manchu certainly seem fond of the late '70s. I would not be surprised if they liked the movie "Over The Edge".


I live in the same town that Kurt grew up in (Aberdeen), and knew him briefly growing up.

It's always been my belief that Kurt liked the movie so well was because it was like holding up a mirror to growing up in Aberdeen from the mid 70's to the late 80's. The roving bands of kids, moving from party to party, or crashing at one house or another, with little or no parental involvement was pretty common then.


I was not a big fan of Cobain, but am impressed that you knew him. Welcome to this board.

I grew up in the New York suburbs. Both of my parents worked and usually got home very late. My house was a popular place for after school parties. Half days, holidays and vacations from school were the best. My parents seldomly traveled so I could not host parties on Friday or Saturday nights. But some of my friends' parents traveled often so we partied at their homes.

My parents had friends who resided in rural New Jersey. Yes, there are actually rural areas of New Jersey. Many of the people there had very long commutes to their jobs. Their kids received little supervision and many of them were buck wild. My mom's best friend's kids were the wildest. They didn't need a parental vacation or a house under construction to have a party. They used to party in the fields.


Like other Gen Xers here I was VERY moved by this film when I saw it on HBO in the very early eighties...if I saw it in 1981 or 1982 I would have been nine. Wow, heavy duty stuff for a nine year old. Anyway I grew up in a beach community in southern California and while we were technically upper middle class my friends and I related to these kids as our parents were never around (everyone had working parents or if by chance the mother did not work the parents were often away doing something else). We would drive around for hours, hang out on the beach at night around bonfires, eat dinner together at cheap restaurants, etc. We banded together like the kids in the film.

"I love those redheads!" (Wooderson, Dazed and Confused, 1993)


Kurt Cobain.

It's not "Sci-Fi", it's SF!

"Calvinism is a very liberal religious ethos." - Truekiwijoker


