The layout of the film is somewhat confusing, but I'll try to summarize it the best I can.
New Year's Eve, 1964-Milner is upset that a team of highly paid drag racers won't hire him for their new lineup. There, he meets a beautifal European lady who further distracts him from winning the competition. Here we discover that Steve and Laurie, engaged, are expecting twins and that Terry has been drafted to Vietnam.
New Year's Eve, 1965-Terry and Joe are now in the same platoon.After surviving an onslaught of napalm and torpedos brought upon by his own platoon under the impression he was VC, Terry is suspected of trying to get himself shot so he can be discharged from the military, and subsequently placed on latrine duty. Here we find that Milner is dead, Joe is shot and killed by enemy fire, and Terry faked his own death so he could leave Vietnam.
New Year's Eve, 1966-Debbie is thinking of marrying Lance, an unfaithful hippie who cringes at the idea. While trying to find Lance a job with his favorie band, she is accidentally stuck with them on their tour bus. This leads her to a country club where she sees Lance making out with a girl he picked up on his pizza route. Here we discover that Debbie is now part of the peace movement and that Terry has yet to resurface.
New Years's Eve, 1967-Steve is now a succesful insurance seller who is grappling with his wife's intentions of getting a job of her own. An argument leads Laurie to her younger brother's apartment where he and his friend are prepared to show up at a local campus demstration and burn their draft cards followed by a protest. Terry is still believed to be dead and Steve is now married to Laurie with two children.
The way the stories are presented is hard to describe. Its shows a ;ittle of one story, then moves onto the next, continuing in that rotation. 1964 ends with Milner winning the competition and scheduling a dinner date with Eva, the European girl mentioned earlier. He is seen driving down the road to his apparent doom. 1965 ends with Terry succesfully faking his death with the help of a fellow G.I., and leaving Vietnam(I guess). 1966 ends with Debbie pummeling Lance and riding off with the band to watch the sunrise. 1967 ends with Steve and Laurie reconcilling and escaping the police at the demonstration with a busload of protestors. The film closes with each character's closing rendition of Auld Lang Syne.
That Thing That Happened In Waco Where The Church Exploded Was Pretty Freakin Sweet!