MovieChat Forums > More American Graffiti (1979) Discussion > The Viet Nam scenes - scary and timely

The Viet Nam scenes - scary and timely

My god, did anyone NOT think of Abu Ghraib while watching the scene of the officers laughing over the picture of a bound and blindfolded POW they had killed?

And all the talk about equipment not working, about whether or not we should fight a war to honor those who died or not fight it so no one else will die -- it sounded like today.

We've come nowhere. We have gone backwards. That kind of horrible nonsense was a memory in 1979 when the movie was made -- and now we are right back there!

Those scenes with Terry the Toad had such power, especially the scene where he rescued the once arrogant pilot. I was riveted to the screen during that scene -- it was Apocalypse Now-worthy; it really was. No, not the whole film, but that scene was.


Ummm no noone thought about Abu-Ghrab... Except for morons like you that will blow off the fact that Saddam used to force his national soccer team after losing to crawl around in shards of broken glass and then jump into vats of RAW Sewage.... If they didn't they were shot on site or their children were killed in front of them...

But a few 18 year old soldiers do what is done during FRAT rush weeks and you all up in arms... Get a freaking clue.... Oh and once we left Vietnam during the 70's over 10 million southeast Asians were slaughtered in Laos, Cambodia, and Vietnam... That blood on the hands of people like you... I'm sure you are the same idiot that blames GW for 9/11 happending but now that he has thwarted the next one he is wrong...


RandomNY123 wrote: <<Ummm no noone thought about Abu-Ghrab...>>

Well, clearly I did, so your statement is incorrect. My husband did, too. I have no idea what other people thought.

When did you start to have this belief that you could know what everyone was is thinking? There is treatment for that type of megalomania, you know.

RandomNY123 wrote: <<Except for morons like you that will blow off the fact that Saddam used to force his national soccer team after losing to crawl around in shards of broken glass and then jump into vats of RAW Sewage.... If they didn't they were shot on site or their children were killed in front of them...>>

Okay -- so you admit others may have thought what I did, but you call them and me morons and assume that we don't care what Saddam did. Why? What on earth makes you think that I blow off the hideous torture Saddam subjected people to? Hello -- didn't I just indicate that I oppose torture? Shouldn't that be a big clue, to a thinking person, that is, that I would oppose torture when ANYONE does it?

Saddam was a violent psychopath. However, Saddam's torture of his people does not justify our torture of his people, or of anyone.

You seem to think it is all right to torture people just because Saddam did. Why do you think anyone who criticizes the Unites States's use of torture must support Saddam's? That makes no sense. I oppose torture across the board. It's wrong, no matter who does it. I don't think you understand that.

RandomNY123 wrote: <<But a few 18 year old soldiers do what is done during FRAT rush weeks and you all up in arms...>>

Are you trying to justify torture by saying that frat boys do it? How dare you mitigate the horrifying actions that our countrymen did and still are doing?

Are you trying to say that the torture that occurred and occurs at Abu Ghraib and Gitmo is nothing worse than what happens during hazing? FWIW, I hate hazing, too. However, being held for years without a trial can hardly be equated to being forced to drink copious amounts of alcohol. People in Abu Ghraib and Gitmo are subjected to the waterboard and solitary confinement, are denied the right to counsel, to seeing their family, to sleep, and so much worse has happened to them -- what has happened to them is beyond the imagination of a frat boy who went through hazing week. You insult all those who suffered and those who died as a result of torture by equating it to hazing week.

RandomNY123 wrote: <<Get a freaking clue....>>

Right back at you.

RandomNY123 wrote: <<Oh and once we left Vietnam during the 70's over 10 million southeast Asians were slaughtered in Laos, Cambodia, and Vietnam...>>

What -- and it wasn't happening when we were there? Have you heard, for example, about the My Lai massacre? There are people being slaughtered right now in many places, all over the world. Are you saying that this is happening because I (and others like me) think torture is wrong? It sure sounds like you are saying that.

RandomNY123 wrote: <<That blood on the hands of people like you...>>

Yep! I was right! You ARE saying that! Because I am disgusted by torture, I must be responsible for it, according to you. Your logic does not resemble our earth logic. Sorry, but blaming me for the actions of Pol Pot more than a quarter century ago is just ridiculous.

RandomNY123 wrote: <<I'm sure you are the same idiot that blames GW for 9/11 happending but now that he has thwarted the next one he is wrong... >>

Oh, boy. I don't believe (I could be wrong) that I have ever mentioned GW on these boards before, so if you think I am someone who has, you are mistaken. Do I blame GW for 9/11? No, I blame Osama Bin Laden and his henchfolk for 9/11. As for your claim that <<he [GW] has thwarted the next one,>> well, I don't know how you know that. I guess you know that the same way you "know" everything else you have claimed here.

Look, if you really want to learn, you should educate yourself. Read some books. Go to school. Your response to me shows a shocking lack of knowledge and polemical skill. Try to fix that. And don't dismiss the hideous suffering that others have endured by equating it with what willing frat boys do. That is just despicable.


Hazing? Frat week?

You Yanks really are weird!

I'm from Australia, I have no idea what you're on about (and quite frankly, I don't care).

It's time you Americans realised that there is a whole world outside of the states. Get a passport, travel to new places, and try not to start a war with everyone who thinks differently from yourselves.

P.S. Being american, you will probably take this comment seriously and get very cross...please don't kill me!


I'll let you off this time...but watch yourself!!!


Oh, YOU were at abu grawhatever? Have YOU ever been in combat? Have you ever even BEEN in the military?

I didn't think so.


Osopestoso, I wonder to whom you are replying and what point you are trying to make.
