Year up?

I enjoyed the movie but one thing has been bothering me.
Toad went to Nam Dec. 31 1964. Tour of duty was one year in Nam. So, on Dec. 31 1965 he should have been coming home; or at the very least getting ready.
Certainly not going AWOL.


Nobody said he was a genius. His nickname was "Toad" afterall.


Not only that, but as an officer, he would have only had a six month tour (if I'm not mistaken). So, it's possible that he did six months in '64, and then a few months back home, and a second tour. But, I'm with you- it wouldn't have been at all necessary for him to shoot himself to go home.

Next thing they'll be breeding us like cattle. You've gotta tell them. SOYLENT GREEN IS PEOPLE!
