I'm just kidding, but I'd like to hear people's thoughts on a 3rd film. I didn't really care for this one, but it would have been interesting to do another one a few years after this one, maybe in 1980 or `81.
After this travesty I don't think another one would be so wise. There would really only be Debbie, and then Steve and Laurie and their kids. Toad went MIA, maybe he's still alive, maybe not. and we all know about Milner...
So, I guess they'd have to introduce more characters, if they did ever make a 3rd one, which is very very unlikely.
As the trend of re-makes are going though, they'll probably end up re-making (or re-booting, whatever) American Graffiti...
"Santa speaks the language of all children. A notchie watchie dotchie do!" -Cosmo Kramer
So, I guess they'd have to introduce more characters, if they did ever make a 3rd one, which is very very unlikely
I know they won't make another one, most people don't even know about this one. I was surprised a few years ago to find out they made a sequel in the first place. But it would have been interesting to see the characters even further along the line maybe their lives in the 70s or something.
Please don't give that money grubbing idiot George Lucas any more ideas. He'd probably stick Jar Jar in a third one with Shia from the fourth Indiana Jones. the man needs to know WHEN TO STOP.