MovieChat Forums > Meteor (1979) Discussion > Nice Score, Dated acting

Nice Score, Dated acting

Personally I think that the musical score of meteor is well written. The melody lingers on in my head for years now, and until now I haven't been able to get hold of the soundtrack in any form! Too bad.

The acting is somewhat poor, I get the feeling that actors are reading their lines from cueboards or even teleprompters. Still the overall excitement prevails in this movie...




The opening score, like the credits/graphics, are HORRIBLY dated, I mean 10x as much as Star Wars which is years older, and the rest of the score is a little much, I thought. The images weren't big enough to match.


I am normally the first one to notice a great music in a 1970s disaster movie, but sorry guys, the score for METEOR left a lot to be desired. Too bad John Williams or Jerry Goldsmith did not score it.


Sorry, but the score in this movie is awful. Especially the new agey crap over the opening credits, which ripped off Superman The Movie.

Most of the rest of the music sounds like V'Ger's theme music in Star Trek The Motion Picture.


Most of the rest of the music sounds like V'Ger's theme music in Star Trek The Motion Picture.

That's because both films use the blaster beam, which was also used in Prophecy, and The Black Hole in the same year. Also, Meteor was released months before Star Trek: The Motion Picture.

And I've listened to both the Meteor theme and the Superman theme, and I really don't see the similarities at all, personally speaking.

"You're dead if you aim only for kids. Adults are only kids grown up, anyway". - Walt Disney


The score was re-issued on CD not too long ago by Intrada,


People talk about how bad the acting is in this.....actually I think it's ok. Sean Connery and Karl Malden (of course) delivered as always. Henry Fonda was pretty good as the president. Good supporting performances by Joseph Campanella and Richard Dysart too. Honorable mention to Trevor Howard as well.

All that being said, I thought that Martin Landau was way over the top. The paranoid general was overplayed.....especially with the "A Fireworks display!/I shall return!" speech.....Brian Keith (who normally, like Landau, is a pretty good actor) then goes off on an even crazier tangent (almost like he is saying: you think that is bad? Look at this! ).

Ignoring: MythicCDXX, Creeping Jesus/Judas, RonPaul_Lies, Digby (and aliases), ibestupid, Holiday_Hobo, sharon_18, TilaMoo, Okie-from-Muskogee/boo321, NorCalNik, Nullifidian


Liked Sean Connery in this always!
