strange custody decision by judge
A great film but the outcome of the court case really makes no sense. The trial seems to be going very much in Ted's direction so why did he lose custody? His lawyer gave his wife a hard time even demanding to know if she had a lover and she seemed reluctant to answer. Her lawyer badgers Ted on the stand but over some strange things. So he lost his job and is now making less money. He should be given credit for finding a new one so fast and at a lower salary just to keep his son. As for the accident on the playground, that could have happened to her as well. How about Ted gets some credit for running like a madman through traffic to get the kid to the hospital?
When Ted meets his lawyer and finds out that the judge went all the way for the mother you have to wonder why. Did the judge watch the same movie as we did? There should have been a final scene in the courtroom where the judge at least gives a reason. It's all just a setup so the mother can give in at the end.
Seems strange but it does not detract from what is a terrific film with incredible performances