MovieChat Forums > Kramer vs. Kramer (1979) Discussion > A good year for a split on Best Picture/...

A good year for a split on Best Picture/ Best Director?

Let's give the painstaking efforts of Apocalypse Now some due


Good point! That is why I feel, some categories should be specialized fields of voting....direction being one of them. Benton still did a fine job, with the material he worked from, just not as challenging an ordeal as experienced by Coppola, which was a director's film.

They had split the last 2 years and then this year, when a split would have appeared appropriate too, they didn't.


you mean the entire Academy should not being allowed to vote on the winner? (like they do with the nominee-voting)





Yes, especially when Hoffman and company are writing their own lines. Unless there is some visual imagery in this film that I overlooked

What's more rare is when the director is not even nominated for a film that either is nomated or wins (I forget which one it is) I recall somebody saying that has happened about 3 times


Why are you so butthurt?
