My review

I just made a review of the movie after I saw it. So, if you are interested in what I thought about it, here is the link:


To review this film properly you'd have to be reviewing the real color version of it, which currently is not available in any format.

Since the fake version of this film is a horrible desecration of the real version, reviews of the fake version are pointless. No disrespect to your reviewing skills.


What choice do I have? I need to review a film, whatever it's available. As soon as the correct version comes out, I will re-evaluate it.


To review this film properly you'd have to be reviewing the real color version of it, which currently is not available in any format.

Since the fake version of this film is a horrible desecration of the real version, reviews of the fake version are pointless. No disrespect to your reviewing skills.

Yes, I, too, have a serious problem with Badham's decision to drain the color of the DVD to near-B&W... Yes, yes, I know he originally wanted to film the movie "like a Victorian etching" but since no studio would let you shoot a movie in 1979 in B&W, Badham therefore went in the other direction and shot it in rich, golden color... And that's how it should have stayed.

Although I love black-and-white, applying it digitially decades after-the-fact nearly ruins my DRACULA viewing experience every time I watch it (to say nothing of a few discreet music score changes).

It compromises the movie for its fan base and will never help to win over anybody else.

LBJ's mistress on JFK:


It compromises the movie for its fan base and will never help to win over anybody else.

Younger fans don't care.

Myself and my friends have never seen the full color version -- and we love this one. I'd be happy to see it in a full color version if it were available, but it's not, so I'll enjoy color-drained it regardless. Anyone who has complained about it in my friendship circle whines about the bad dialogue and stiff acting, not the colors. ;)


You know, I've never seen the full colour version. I actually learned that it exists only thanks to imdb boards . I first saw this movie on TV and it already had drained colours. But it doesn't matter to me a lot, cause I like black and white movies and even if this movie had been totally w/b, I'd still be able to watch it easily.
