The genuine animal deaths presents a scenario in which real violence toward living things is introduced. Subsequently, it creates a condition in which violence against other living things (in this instance, humans) can be considered (a Pavlovian concept). As a result, it lent credibility to the "snuff film" aspect, which was integral to the film's original release.
They also contribute to the commentary the film presents; much of the film's argument regards sensationalism, in which graphic content merely for the sake of monetary gain is condemned. This is subsequently a comment on the human condition by examining the fact that sensationalism is a viable marketing strategy. In this way, it becomes meta-cinematic; not only does it condemn sensationalism, but through it's extreme graphic content (including the animal killings), it catches its audience in a trap, essentially questioning why we are watching this film filled with horrid material.
The intensity of the sequences, created through the knowledge/realization that these killings are genuine, also adds to the tension of the film overall. Since the killings indicate that the filmmakers are pulling no punches in terms of content, tension accumulates as the climax approaches. The audience's awareness of the graphic content, including the intensity of the animal killings, creates a question of the unknown: "If we were just presented all of this disturbing content before the most terrible parts of the found footage, what are we about to be subjected to now?" This, in turn, creates dread, an integral aspect of horror films.
For any of these reasons, the animal killings can be observed as artistic. Art isn't always pretty or aesthetically pleasing; it can be transgressive and disturbing. As long as the images exist beyond their basic presentation and can progress or initiate thought, or constructively alter the human perception of the work as a whole, they can be viewed as art.
Also, the consumption of these animals by the natives and crew lessens the viewpoint of these killings as "pointless."