Yes, sadly the animals were really killed for Cannibal Holocaust.
1. Spider - crushed by knife
2. Snake - chopped with knife
3. Monkey - head chopped, brains eaten
4. Muskrat - stabbed and cut open with knife
5. Turtle - decapitated, then cut open.
6. Pig - shot
This is all I can think of off hand. I probably missed some along the way. Also, I do not support any of this. I am merely giving you a list so that you know what to expect if you ever decide to watch this film. I always fast forward through these scenes as they are entirely to graphic for my taste.
The Coppola film was Apocalypse Now and the scene occurs near the end wherein a water buffalo is hacked to death with machetes. The scene contrasts Martin Sheen's savage killing of Marlon Brandon's character. In the documentary Hearts of Darkness, which details every bit of Apocalypse, Coppola defends the scene by stating that it was a common ritual and that he included it in the film for the reason I mentioned above, as a contrast to the killing of a brutal human being.
Although Coppola did get a lot of fire for this scene, and he should have, the film is considered a masterpiece by most and it seems all kinds of hypocritical that many would go out of their way to condemn Ruggero's cruelty in his films and praise another director for doing essentially the same thing.
How terrible it is to see the cruelty of animals exploited for entertainment purposes, but here in the states, we have numerous hunting shows that show such things and they receive very little criticism from the public.
"A little consideration, a little thought for others, makes all the difference." Eeyore