Are everyone in 70's movies such A**holes?
Besides the animal deaths (which I scanned through), nothing in this movie disturbed me so much as how lame it was to imply that anyone would be this stupid and obnoxious. Just everything about the filmmakers was in your face ridiculous.
I don't know what is supposed to be staged by the onscreen film crew, and what is not, but come on...
Shooting a villager in the leg so they can follow him. Raping the poor villager girl. Burning down the huts, then intercutting that with scenes of intellectual narration, as though they could be that erudite one minute, and that vicious the next. Are we really meant to believe that people are this idiotic and cruel? If you respond by saying "well, it's just an Italian exploitation film,"...that's fine, but why is it a classic or considered a masterpiece? Because of the gore?
There's nothing in this film that explains why it is SO important to Cinema.
People are only this stupid in 70's/early 80's movies too. I just watched Last House on the Left, and the characters in that movie are just more of the same nihilistic, poorly written, hippy drivel talking Manson wannabes. I find it hard to believe this was ever considered art by anyone. Why is it art? Because it pushes boundaries? Boundaries have been pushed in far more creative and intelligent ways than this.
If you want to enjoy these films for their cheese and their ridiculous shock value, that's great. Admit it! Accept it!
People constantly cite this film for it's political satire, but come this really the beacon for political satire? That's a label tacked on in post to justify the carnage. My 10 year old sister could come up with better stuff than this (with less castrations). Grindhouse films are fun for what they are, but let's not hold them up as anything more important than cheesy relics of a bygone era.