MovieChat Forums > Apocalypse Now (1979) Discussion > First viewing... Redux version?

First viewing... Redux version?

There are two options for viewing this on Amazon. One is the original version which is a little over 2 hrs. and the other is the redux version that is over 3hrs. I just watched the original version for the first time and it's a great film.

Is there a need to watch the redux version for the extra 49 minutes? Does it make the movie better or is it just extra scenes added for the sake of extra scenes?


It's more for die-hards brought up on it from day one (rabid to see all or any extra footage) it doesn't really add anything to the plot (just makes Willard's journey longer) If I were you, I'd watch the original...and if you like it enough (which you should) then approach the 'Redux' next time you feel like revisiting it (that way you'll be getting a bonus on your second viewing)


I strongly recommend watching the theatrical version first and then let your after thoughts on it determine if you want to see the extra footage. I personally didn't find it more compelling with the Redux and it felt more like Coppola lashing out at the studio for cutting his pretentious segment involving [spoiler]French Rubber Barons who are still holding on to their colonial holdings against all odds and common sense. The whole sequence plays out like bad wannabe Francois Truffaut filmmaking.[/spoiler]. Otherwise, if you're into the technicalities and process of film making then watching Redux can be satisfying in that regard.

The director's cut of Donnie Darko left a similar bad after taste with me as well, because I thought perhaps there was more to the story to backup the Science-Fiction narrative of the plot, but there wasn't. He just rearranged the soundtrack and added more emotional teenage angst scenes.


Stick with the original.

What director's cut, if any, has improved upon the original?

Well, you do have "Blade Runner."

Any others?


Kingdom of Heaven's DC is much much better, as is the DC for Once Upon a Time in America. The first time I saw OUTiA was on I believe the A&E channel when they first debuted and it was the theatrical cut which played out like a poor imitation of "Bugsy Malone" because of the PG-oriented editing and the re-sequencing of the film which took out Sergio Leone's chronological intersecting.


Natural born killers, Rob Zombies Halloween,Aliens,blade runner,Kalifonia,high tension and the Godfather and GodfatherII all had DC,unedited or otherwise extended cuts that at the very least expanded the enjoyment of the original without diminishing the integrity...atleast imo.
Not to say the originals are great or shit for that matter...just that the additions are well worth a viewing if you enjoyed the original...redux certainly diminishes the quality of an otherwise masterpiece motion picture.


The original is definitely the better film, the additional footage doesn’t really add anything to the story and it really just slows down the pace and oh my god that plantation scene!!!

If you love the original and have seen it multiple times the redux might be good if you’re curious




We agree for once.

