I actually wholly agree with your sentiments.
The problem you've encountered is that you've watched this as a war movie.
It is NOT a war movie. War just happens to be part of it and Central to its core.
I'm watching it now, I'm finding it quite dull.
However I'm watching it as an action war movie, think band of brothers, just like I suspect you did.
You really have to watch this movie like lost in translation, or how you read an Ernest Hemingway book. You have to watch the parts that aren't there and you have to think about it.
You can't just sit there and enjoy it, to you have to take enjoyment from it, it doesn't spoon feed you.
To me, this is the type of movie that I class as "wanky" you have to be a certain type of person to fully appreciate the movie, you have to be the type of person that lists "movies" as part of their dating profile or enjoyed, lost in translation (for me nothing happened, the end). You'll probably like the smiths and joy Division as part of your music arsenal. You don't want to be entertained by the movie, you want the movie to trigger you into thinking about the movie and what it means and what it's trying to say.
You like me, are the terminator, Predator, running Man type movie person.
There people that appreciate this type of movie are the lost in translation, "must make me think" type person.