MovieChat Forums > Americathon (1979) Discussion > A 'What If?' for Jimmy Carter fans

A 'What If?' for Jimmy Carter fans

...what 80's America might have been like if the Gipper hadn't won the election!


For a good look at a "what if" if AmeriKKKa keeps electing the loafs of human excrement like the Gipper and "W" that they have been, check out Triumph of the Will.
That's Huckabee with a haircut up front....


You are correct Repose.

And now the US is threatened with another potential Jimmah Carter; B. Hussain Obama.

I wonder when after Barry loses the election will the Big Media socialists cry about "election fraud"?


Yeah, let us know how that works out.


Well, 'ol Barry won...........

How's that Hoax & Chains workin' out for ya??


Why doncha ask bin Laden how President Obama's policies are working out...


"...what 80's America might have been like if the Gipper hadn't won the election!"

How exactly?


It's interesting how people try to sway this movie to their "side" of the political argument. Personally, I came away from the film thinking that both sides are insane and the American people have become addicted to distractions. Very relevant now, but not because candidate X or Y are the "right choice".

this film was based on a Proctor & Bergman/Firesign Theatre play for crying out loud! Fans of Firesign know these guys are pure anarchist/satirist of the Marxian kind!! Groucho, that is! Arguing that Reagan, Carter, Bush, Clinton, or Obama are "bad" or "good" for America is totally missing the point of the film AND the Firesign Theatre!


Actually Americathon was inspired by the Presidential hopes of then Democrat Governor of California Jerry Brown and his pop star girlfriend Linda Ronstadt. Jerry Brown had given up the Governor's Mansion for a small unassuming apartment and slept on a futon. This gained him the nickname "Governor Moonbeam." John Ritter was chosen for his close proximation in physical appearance to Brown and we see in the film his girlfriend wearing roller skates, a reference to Ronstadt's Living in the USA album cover.


Actually, the deficit and debt remained more or less flat President Carter.

Both the debt and deficit skyrocketed under both President Reagan and President Bush (Sr.).

(It then plummeted again under President Clinton until skyrocketing again under Bush Jr.)

Go ahead and Google any chart as to the corresponding debt and deficit figures relating to each respective administration.

For example, from the CBO's numbers:


It was the intention of the writers to mimic Jerry Brown. Not my opinion, they stated it. Try listening to someone who was there instead of re-writing history.
