Theresa Merritt

I understand Theresa Merritt was in this movie. She's an actress I have a respect for and have been interested in seeing more of lately. According to the cast list, though, she is simply a member of one of Gideon's shows, which may make her hard to spot. Considering how she was in her prime in this particular decade, I have a hunch she'll at least be noticeable. But just to be sure, can someone tell me when she appears exactly? Perhaps if I knew one or two of her lines. I've seen "All That Jazz" a few times before, but at that time I wasn't into Theresa Merritt. So I don't know when she appears. So, if someone could help me out, I'd appreciate it.


There's a table reading of Joe Gideon's new play. She's one of the actors sitting around the table.


Right. That's at about half way through the movie, just after "Everything Old Is New Again" (one of my favorite bits in the movie). You don't actually hear Merritt say anything though, as most of the play read dialog was "silenced" out. You see her react to some of the other actors.

Laurie Mann


Okay. Thanks to both of you. I'll keep my eyes peeled.
