Three Big Lies In A Row?
Hi there!
I'm just popping in with a question. I am amazed by this film, and I have seen it several times. I think I "catch" a fair amount of what is given, but I know that I "miss" a whole lot more.
The film is, to a certain extent, autobiographically true (to Mr. Fosse) and sometimes is painfully so. This raconteur seems to be willing to tell the truth about many things that are not easy even to see clearly in the first place. Such instances are frequently magnified, studied, and often filmed in a very "personal" way. (A lot of one shots, cutting one to the other. Things like that.)
My question is, if Mr. Fosse would be so painfully honest about so many painful details…why would he choose to lie about himself, three times right in a row, using the vehicle of Ben Vereen?
The three things that Ben Vereen says of Joe Gideon, that may be true for Joe Gideon, but are certainly not for Mr. Fosse, are as follows:
* A so-so entertainer
* Not much of a humanitarian
* Never anyone's friend
I haven't read/seen/experienced everything there is to be had, information-wise, and I certainly need to rewatch the film several times, but I know some things. I am aware of Mr. Fosse's remark that he "didn't want anyone to have any sympathy for Joe Gideon."
But the piece is largely autobiographical, in an extremely stylistic, artistic, creative, and classy way.
If someone would like, I can "debunk" these three BIG lies one by one, sometimes simply by using the definition of the word itself. But for now, let's just accept that they are wildly far from the truth.
After such honesty, why would he lie about these three things, right at the end?
I humbly thank you for your ideas and input,
California, USA