
In case it hasn't occured to any of you,

October will mark the 30th anniversary of "10". And if The folks at Warner Home Video have ANY scruples, Let's hope that somehow, someway, A one-disc Deluxe Ed. or 2-Disc S.E. DVD or Blu-Ray is in the chute for a concurrent release around the fall. If not, than may GOD have Mercy on WB!

It's enough of a travesty that we're still stuck with the CRUMMY Bare bones release from '98, With a Dark and flawed transfer, claustrophobic mono audio track, and insultingly few extras-Proof enough that an upgrade is long overdue and VERY neccesary(For My proposal to Warners for what should be incl. on the SE, see my entry under the thread titled 'Lackluster DVD'.).

And even if Warners chooses to release a new ed. without being so generous in the extras dept., the LEAST they can do is improve the pic transfer some and overhaul the audio to at least a 2.0 Stereo mix(since it was apparently released to theatres back in the day with a stereo audio track), along with Commentary by the great Blake Edwards while he's still alive(Helloooo-The guy's up there, now; Pushing 90, in fact). And, in hopes that any Deleted scenes survive, they, too should be included(Especially the Peter Sellers scene).

So, Heed my call...





Tell me about it....I will say, however, that at least Black Stallion got a better pic and audio treatment than "10", even though the DVD was just as bare-bones.

But since Warners didn't get the message, and there apparently WILL be NO anniversary DVD...Allow me to put forth a slightly modified proposal from a post I put up here more than 2 years ago.

OK, WARNERS....LAST FREEKIN' TIME!!! So Stay with me here.........

-A Digitally remastered anamorphic letterbox transfer from restored elements
-5.1 Dolby Digital and DTS surround audio(Or at least a decent 2.0 stereo track).

-Commentary by Blake Edwards(while he's still around), Julie Andrews, and Bo Derek.

-A feature length or multi-part Doc on the making of the movie containing interviews with the above mentioned persons along with Casting Director Lynn Stalmaster, as well as the original 1979 making-of featurette("A Dream..A Fantasy..A TEN.") incl. on the first DVD.

-Possible tribute to Dudley Moore

-The Deleted scene with the Sellers Cameo(if it still exists), along with various other outtakes and deleted scenes that may also exist(Especially a Dudley Moore gag reel. Hahaha!)

-Any TV appearences/interviews and/or other surviving archival materials from the period.

-Several trailers and TV spots

