MovieChat Forums > Minder (1979) Discussion > Differences with the Terry and Ray Daley...

Differences with the Terry and Ray Daley years

I have noticed some people comparing and criticising the two different periods in Minder, involving Terry McCann and Ray Daley. I think the series is more enjoyable when you dont compare the two, even going so far as to look at the Ray Daley years as a type of 'spin off series' (which it was not by the way).

The Ray Daley years are markedly different from the Terry McCann years in tone and style. Dennis Waterman criticised his last couple of series of Minder in his autobiography as becoming too soft, which after recently viewing his final series, I agree with. I think the Ray Daley years were a concious decision to take the show in a different direction, which it indeed did. The first thing that strikes you is the eerie use of incidental music which is missing from the Terry McCann years. Another more literal reason for it's darker tone in my opinion was that all the Dennis Waterman episodes were filmed in summer where as the Ray Daley episodes were filmed in winter, giving it a more darker overcast effect. I also think the show had to change as Television dramas had become more tough and gritty.

The relationship is different too between Arthur and his new minder. As Ray is family, the realtionship is different, more intimate and we get to see a lot more about Arthurs life and past then we ever did with Terry McCann (no, we still dont get to see er'indoors).

Although I much prefer the early Terry McCann years, the Ray Daley years are not bad by any means.


I couldn't tell you if I would have liked Ray (if I even would have kept watching after Dennis left, because I came across it one night, recogized DW from "The Sweeney" and started watching and still prefer Terry, as a character, to Arthur), since my area of Canada never got "Minder" after "Minder on the Orient Express".

It's nice for this Terry fan to see, though, that Terry is more popular than Ray.

But I wouldn't mind reading posts from other fans, who've seen both minders, and discuss how it changed over the years.


The Terry years where good up till the "Orient Express"... after that the stories started to dip and lost that special "something" (the last McCann series has its moments, but I get the feeling that Waterman had long given up and just couldn't be bothered any more with it).

The Ray Daley years did pick up a little, but nowhere near the heights of the early-mid 80's!!! There was a few great moments there (the narrow boat eppisode being a personal favourite) but also some of the worse and most boring eppisodes where tucked in there also.

There has never been a bad Minder, it's just that the show had run out of steam long before Ray arrived, and though he did bring something new to it, it was only a minor rise in fortune.


I also like the narrow boat episode. Very funny stuff, especially the ending.


The episodes with Ray Daley weren't in the same league. I also see them as a spin off which were quite funny in their own right but its not proper Minder without Terence.


Gotta admit, this was probably my favorite Ray Daley episode. While it was funny, it was enjoyable to see them on the waters. I loved this episode as it was just a nice easy going episode. Almost makes me want to get a narrowboat to get away from it all:)
