Our Communist oppressors banned "Dukes" from broadcast tv
You know that, don't you? As long as Americans let Communist woketards tell us what can and can't be broadcast on commercial tv, America doesn't truly have freedom.
shareYou know that, don't you? As long as Americans let Communist woketards tell us what can and can't be broadcast on commercial tv, America doesn't truly have freedom.
shareMeh. They are on a few free streaming sites. There are only like 10 broadcast antenna channels that run old tvs shows and they are specific like Comedy, scifi or westerns....only like 2 or 3 would be a fit for dukes.
shareIt's been very difficult to obtain the series and especially the Dukes of Hazzard movie on physical media. The movie last had a release on the now defunct HD-DVD format. Warner Bros simply won't print this film anymore, because of wokeism.
You can still get this stuff on DVD fairly easy, but I don't think we'll ever see any remastering or current format new releases. No special treatmant, I think WB would rather this show just fade away into obscurity, hoping we all forget about it.
It's okay, Trump will be dictator soon and you can get as much as you want. Elon Musk may even change the logo of X to match the rebel flag.