MovieChat Forums > The Dukes of Hazzard (1979) Discussion > Do I have to be a Confederate Flag lovin...

Do I have to be a Confederate Flag loving person to love this show?

I'm not a Southerner, and I couldn't care less what happens to the Confederate Flag in the South or on markets. But does that mean I have to idolize that flag and Confederates in general in order to be a fan of this show?


No, not at all. Yes, the flag is displayed, but the ugly attitudes represented by the flag, generally, are not. I personally am glad to see the demise of the Confederate flag, but am also a huge fan of the show. You could remove the flag without changing much about the series. In the context of the show, it's meant to symbolize rebellion and questioning authority, not intolerance and racism. I still wish it wasn't there, but it's ignorable.


^^ Well said.

I am a redneck, and the image of the flag means nothing, to me. I grew up in Missouri, whose sons fought for the Confederacy AND the Union, and I saw quite a bit of the rebel flag imagery, and a lot of stupid racism, growing up. But I was fortunate enough to be raised by people who hated all of humanity, regardless of skin color.

My older sister and myself were allowed to stay up late on Friday nights to watch 'Dukes;' Dad was working night shift at the Buick/Olds/Pontiac factory, and it was a really special night, to be able to stay up until he came home.

- What are you gonna do, when the world catches on?


I was fortunate enough to be raised by people who hated all of humanity, regardless of skin color.


So are you saying... That you grateful that you are an equal opportunity offender, when it comes to hating all of humanity?

If that is true... I wouldn't be proud that I hate all of humanity...

To vnisanian2001...

The only things that COULD be considered "Racist" about this show, is that the questionable Confederate flag is painted on top of the General Lee, and the flag can be seen flying around fictional Hazzard County, which takes place in the state of Georgia. That's It.

The Dukes have many friends of all kinds.

Even Boss Hogg, and Rosco didn't discriminate. They partnered with all kinds of criminals, and were equal opportunity offenders too! They took offense at being labelled "hillbillies" on more than one occasion. Boss Hogg, and Rosco never supported people killing others either. Even hard violence was frowned upon.

If you can just accept, that this show was created back in the late 1970s, and at that time, the Confederate flag was not as despised, as it is today, and if you can watch the show with the knowledge that it isn't racist, or trying to be racist by flying that flag, I believe you would enjoy the show, as so many other have...


So are you saying... That you grateful that you are an equal opportunity offender, when it comes to hating all of humanity?

Ah, thassa joke, son.

Basic truth is that my father's family - whose farm I grew up on - never used pejorative terms for people of other ethnicities, religions, sexual orientations, or anything else.

- What are you gonna do, when the world catches on?


Ah, thassa joke, son.

You were talking about being tolerant, then you were suddenly hateful, then you were tolerant again. I was not sure if what you said was a typo, a joke, or you were serious. It seems other posters picked up on the joke, but somehow the humor was lost on me with that "tone switch sandwich". I'm sorry I didn't get it.

Thank You for clearing that up.



I despair of the entire human race, but I don't hate them for being human.

I'm certain that there are those who would despair of me for my ignorance in assuming that I'm not as ignorant as the rest of the species.

The only way I can go on is to hope that nobody else is as silly as I am.

- What are you gonna do, when the world catches on?


The only things that COULD be considered "Racist" about this show, is that the questionable Confederate flag is painted on top of the General Lee, and the flag can be seen flying around fictional Hazzard County, which takes place in the state of Georgia. That's It.

What's it? Nothing you said can be considered even the slightest bit racist. Have you actually ever taken the time to look up the word and educate yourself on the meaning? It never ceases to amaze me how many people throw around the term racist and have no clue what it actually means.

The first and most important requirement for racism to exist is the belief that one race is superior to another. Nothing on the show displays that belief and nothing you claim as racism comes close to displaying it either.


So are you saying... That you grateful that you are an equal opportunity offender, when it comes to hating all of humanity?

If that is true... I wouldn't be proud that I hate all of humanity...

Clearly you understand sarcastic humor as well as you do racism.


What's it? Nothing you said can be considered even the slightest bit racist. Have you actually ever taken the time to look up the word and educate yourself on the meaning? It never ceases to amaze me how many people throw around the term racist and have no clue what it actually means.

That's something a racist would say! We're talking about someone who runs races, right?


We're talking about someone who runs races, right?

If we're operating on Rincewind's definition, yes.

- What are you gonna do, when the world catches on?


I know what racism means. But, It seems to ME that YOU don't know how to read, because I was responding to the original posters question of...

Do I have to be a Confederate Flag loving person to love this show?

When I said this...

The only things that COULD be considered "Racist" about this show

See the word "COULD" There? I was not trying to imply that I thought those things that I mentioned were actually racist. I was implying that some other people, really do consider those things racist, and some people, don't consider those things racist.

Then I spent the rest of my post explaining why the rest of the show was not racist in anyway, and that the original poster should be able to enjoy the show, if he could keep in mind, that the flags in the show were not being used in a negative manner.

I guess you didn't read that part of my post, since you failed to reference any of it?

Clearly you understand sarcastic humor as well as you do racism.

I partially agree with you about the part of your sentence concerning "sarcastic humor".

I do understand "sarcastic humor", when I hear it.

But what he said, did not make sense to me, and so the humor part did not come through with his words. I was trying to get a clarification on what he was trying to say, while at the same time I was trying to shame him at the same time, if he was being dead serious.

I see now, that I should not have said something with a double meaning like that.

I guess everything I tried to say in my post, was not clear enough for YOU to understand, and I failed in trying to communicate my thoughts, with YOU. Apparently, that's all MY fault, and I apologize for the confusion.


There you go again, responding without the benefit of intellect. It's a bad habit most people have. All you did was further strengthen the fact you just don't get it.

I see you never looked up the word "racist", or you looked it up and still failed to understand the meaning. Now it's clear you also need to look up the word "could", since you've now shown you can't even grasp the definition of a common every day word like that.

Saying any part of the show could be considered racist, would be like me saying birds could be considered horses, apples could be considered oranges, or you could be considered astute. All 3 are untrue. Putting the word "could" in front of another word doesn't make it mean something other than its actual definition or make it something it's not.

Clearly it's not solely sarcasm that confuses you, it's the English language as a whole. Furthermore, you also don't seem to be able to quite grasp how to emphasize specific words. Capitalizing words again and again doesn't make your point come across as I'm certain you'd intended. It comes across like a toddler crying and yelling and exclaiming "it's MY toy, not YOURS!"

There are tools within iMDb allowing you to emphasize more like a grown up, but you've proven that too escapes your ability to comprehend. You started to use them, but I'm guessing it proved to be just too difficult for you.

Do yourself a favor. I know you're going to have the urge to reply, and I know you believe you're going to be defending yourself, but just don't. I'm sincerely trying to prevent you from embarrassing yourself further. Every now and then I come across a person who proves the old adage true. Today, yet again, that person is you. "It's better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to open your mouth and remove all doubt". Words you should try to live by going forward in life.


I feel fine when I sit down, but when I stand, things spin around.


This entire thread shows the stupidity inherent to internet message boards.


Anyone can love this show. Nothing offensive at all.




If you are against slavery, you must be against this show. It glamorizes the Confederate (Slavery) flag and promotes racism. I'm not saying this show should be removed from all shelves and streaming and tv. But maybe it would be better if it were.


Having never seen the show, are you saying there's more to it than just being on the roof of General Lee? Or it simply being featured in that one place is unacceptable?


I think the flag prominently displayed on the car says it all.


I can't say I agree to the revisionism of deleting "problematic" stuff like that from history. I mean, no one is going to watch it and decide they're going to be a racist.


The show is not racist at all. The show was broadcast when people were not afraid of being attacked for their heritage.


Shut up, woketard!



"If you are against slavery, you must be against this show."

Since the show has nothing to do with slavery, your asinine assertion is a non sequitur.

"It glamorizes the Confederate (Slavery) flag"

No, the "confederate flag" didn't represent "slavery," it was a battle flag.

"and promotes racism."

False, and you can't name a single example of racism being promoted on the show. Quite the contrary in fact; the only honest sheriff on the show was a black guy (Sheriff Little), the Duke's dentist was a black guy, Cale Yarborough's mechanic was a black guy, and one of Bo, Luke, and Cooter's friends was a black guy (as seen in the first episode of the series). Casting black people in positive roles, especially authority figure (e.g., county sheriff) and highly educated (e.g., dentist) roles, is exactly the opposite of promoting racism, obviously.

Did it ever occur to you that the "confederate flag" doesn't mean what you think it means; that its meaning has been retconned, outrage has been astroturfed, and you bought into it hook, line, and sinker? No, I don't suppose it has, because anyone susceptible to being duped by such blatant foolishness isn't exactly the fastest car on the lot.


Well said, Maxim.




Ironically very few people are actually falling for it. They just happen to be the loudest.


Didn't you see the "very special Dukes of Hazzard" episode where Bo and Luke kicked Mike Brady's ass and reunited Kizzy with John Amos?


Its just means you are a racist if you enjoyed this show


Actually REAL RACISTS are so hateful and murderous they drive their vehicle into a crowd of innocent people -- including children -- due to their skin color.

Other REAL RACISTS condone this behavior, absurdly calling it an "accident," and refuse to offer condolences to the hurt & grieving, like Dem politicians in response to the Waukesha attack.


You need to pay better attention to the news. That guy who ran down people with his car was fleeing from a knife fight and running for his life. This was a tragedy all around but lets not judge this guy as a hateful person until all the facts get released



You have to like good TV to be a fan of this show.






...yes. Cause the rebel flag is just that. It's got nothing to do with racism. It's about standing up to the Man and authority. It's a symbol of defiance. All the negative spin in the media is a psyop. People are being conditioned to be complacent. First they spent decades building up the Nazis as the ultimate evil. Then they attribute everything they want to suppress with the Nazis. Be loud and proud and unfurl that confederate flag and scream "Fuck You" as loud as you can. The South will rise again. That's not literal. That's a movement. That's a mindset. That's what they're afraid of.


The Boss Hoggs of this world disagree with you.
