May 1987

When I watched this show as a kid, I used to think 1987 was so far off in the future, now it's far off in the past. That's the time when Buck Rogers launches into space and ends up in the future.

Come to Middle-Earth, a world beyond the furthest reaches of your imagination



Well, 1979 (the year the series started) and 1987 did have one thing in common - there were no manned American space launches.


You're so right......I started watching Buck Rogers around 82-83 time frame in reruns. When I saw 1987, it really felt like it was literally 20 years off, considering it was only a 4-5 year difference into the future. When I was a kid, everything was so far off, now that I'm over 40, everything is way the hell too fast for comfort.


It's kind of like when Blade Runner came out and the year it takes place in was 2019 and here we are almost to that date already. Time sure does go by faster then you want it to, especially when you're older. When you're a kid time seems to take forever to go by.


True!! Scary isn't it?


I was thinking the same thing. There are so many movies from the 70's/80's that take place in the "distant future" of the 90's or 2000's. Back than they seemed so far in the future.

dies ist meine unterschrift


It's always funny when we pass one of those pop cultural signposts. The big one for me was 2001. As a kid that seemed waaaaay off into the future. Now it's nearly two decades in the past .

A journey into the realm of the obscure:


Yeah, time flies. October 21, 2015 was the day Marty McFly traveled to in Back to the Future II. Seemed kind of far off in the future at the time, but it's come and gone.


There’s an episode of Futurama where they describe Star Trek as a vision of the future set 700 years in the past.


I remember watching "Voyage to the Bottom of the Sea" when I was a kid in the early '60s, and the voiceover guy narrating the opening would say it was in the future year 1973, and I'd think "wow, 1973!".
