Hi. This is my last hope of finding the last epsiode of Benson here. I have a 21 dvd set that has most of the epsiodes but really want just the last epsiode. Anyone willing to sell it to me or will let me borrow it. I'm in tvland heaven. I just bought the complete sweating bullets and I have a near complete set of webster. Trying my luck for the one Benson epsiode. I wil do anything to get it.
you talking about the very very very last ep that ended in a cliffhanger with them about to announce who the new governor is??? cause i have it but not the 2 parts of it, basically i taped it off tvland, taped a couple of eps when they were marathoning them, and well they skipped a number of eps towards the end of the run of the show, becuase the eps went directly from one ep to the last ep (complete with a last time on benson recap at the beg that was like what the hell? i thought they were running these in order!!!!)
if you're interested cool, if not i understand, by the way how much do you think you'd charge myself for that 21 dvd set??? (any chance you could transfer them to vhs?)
I have a good handful of Season 6 and Season 7 episodes taped from their original ABC airing, meaning uncut - only way to see them uncut unless they ever get around to finally releasing THOSE seasons on DVD.
I can dub them from VHS to DVD. I already have the final 2 eps on DVD, taken from my VHS tapes recorded off the air back in 1986.
man that's awesome, i would love it if you could dub whatever eps you have for me...ummm payment could be arranged certainly. how many eps we talking???