Cheech quote

In the car at the beginning of the movie when Man (Chong) pulls out the monster joint Cheech looks at him and says something in Spanish. I can make out "y" and "chingda" I am assuming he says what the *beep* is that? Does anyone know what he says in Spanish and what it translates out to?


He says "Hijo de la chingada," which basically translates to "son of a bitch." ;-)




Sounds to me like "holy la chinga", holy 'fornicate' in pidgin Spanish. Sounded like that to cable censors too. They cut it while they much more often let 'sunnamabitch' slide.

Guacamole in my choos


Lola1976 is right, in both the English and Spanish translations.


Sorry...that's Lolo1976.


not everyone on here is fluent in Spanish. Though son of a bitch is an exclamation that can be used as a translation, the real translation is "son of the *beep* one." Kinda of a harsh term. Depending on the frecuency of the usage of this term around you, it may not sound as severe.
