MovieChat Forums > Superman (1978) Discussion > The Time Travel makes no sense

The Time Travel makes no sense

Isn't it funny how preposterous things we can easily accept, when if we think about them a little bit, they suddenly seem to make no sense?

The time travel method used in this movie is based on some kind of odd premise that a planet's rotation creates / dictates 'flow of time'. This, of course, is a silly writers' gimmick that has nothing to do with reality.

First, time is not localized - it happens 'at the same time' (how else can I put it?) all over the Universe (or at least the 'plane', as in 'physical plane, for example). So changing some cosmic ball's rotation will not affect it.

Second, how is it supposed to work anyway? A planet doesn't just rotate in place, it ORBITS THE SUN.

If Superman would create a bit bigger time difference, it would be more clear that he would ALSO have to tinker with the orbital location, and I don't think even Superman is strong AND intelligent (but he tells the WORLD about his weaknesses!) to be able to do _that_ kind of beyond-Herculean-task correctly.

For example, let's say it's mid-winter in 1978. Superman does his thing, and now we're in mid-summer 1968. However, the planet's orbital location, WHICH DICTATES THE TIME OF THE YEAR did not change. So is it now snowing and dark in mid-summer of 1968, but otherwise, it's the same summer? HOW would this ever work??

Also, did Superman even measure / calculate / research the EXACT rotational speed and angle of Earth before doing this? He would have to restore the Earth back to its normal rotation VERY PRECISELY or time would be sped up or slowed down or whatnot!

If it's even slightly wobbly, time would probably 'fluctuate', as in speed up and slow down, and that would be a huge mess, as we can imagine.

Now, how about Earth's magnetic fields and that kind of stuff? The magnetic field and Earth's rotation are closely tied together, so disrupting the rotation would INEVITABLY cause enormous calamities due to the magnetic poles and consequently the field being disrupted enormously. A pole shift has caused havoc before on this very planet, so Superman should've been a bit more thoughtful and careful about this.

What about tides? What about moon's effect? Same question about the 'seasons', as people would see the moon in the same exact place in the sky EVEN THOUGH the whole planet warped back in time somehow.

Calendars would have to be altered, birthdays changed and so on, it would be an enormous mess! (Even in the version we see, clocks would still be off, because now the sun and moon's movements do not conform to the expected anymore, due to Earth being in the 'same time but different orbital location', so everything would change)

Then there's the whole 'local time' thing - if you jump from 1978 to 1968 and then fly to another planet, is it 1968 there, or 1978? THAT planet wasn't altered, so are you somehow time-warping when you fly between planets? Is this what the movie is telling us, that every planet has its own localized time, so you are timejumping back and forth in time when you travel from planet to another? Why did this not happen with Krypton?

(Or maybe it did, considering that Krypton is supposed to be in ANOTHER GALAXY, and yet Superman just casually tossing an elevator with a bomb in it into space, caused Zod's gang to escape the phantom zone, so Phantom Zone can do warp speed or Superman timejumped or or or..??)

Then there's the pragmatic aspect of 'Superman can fix ANY problem by simply timewarping', so on the surface, Earth would just seem to be completely problem-free, when in reality, Superman is working hard behind the scenes always timewarping to PREVENT problems.

Why would he ever _FIX_ problems, when he could simply prevent them every time? This kind of ruins not only the character, but every single movie/story/etc., because nothing is a problem anymore as long as Superman is alive and can turn back time. Lois falling to the ground? Why painstakingly grab the helicopter and her, when he could just PREVENT that accident from ever happening? Zod was released from the Phantom Zone? Turn back time, move Phantom Zone far away, BANG! Zod never got released.


There are _SO_ many problems with this whole time travel thing, it makes even less sense than Superman's 'never-seen-before-sudden-MAGIC-POWERS' this movie shows us, as in the 'forgettance-kiss', the 'let's rip out this S-mark that no longer stands for Superman and throw it at someone'-stuff.

This movie is a mess and an abomination if you compare it to the comics and what the Superman character is supposed to be.

Also, it should be possible that Future Superman comes to prevent the whole time travel scheme, but we don't have to go that far to realize..

..the 'time travel' in this movie makes NO sense!


In case anyone is thinking of reading or responding to the above, be warned that avortac4 is an autistic troll who writes these ‘doesn’t make sense’ threads all over the boards. See his post history.

They’re completely insincere and designed to waste your time while avortac4 beats off, sniggering, into his Cheeto-dust covered wanking sock.

Just a heads-up.


Clicking the "ignore" button is a winning strategy. But that's an interesting picture you've painted...


I’d rather see what’s going on and be able to warn against it.


So he makes these really long winded threads just to troll people? Not that he has alot of time on his hands and thinks too deeply into stuff? Im just asking, idk. Nothing against you or him, idk neither of ya. But the troll word gets miss used all the time these days.

I appreciate the heads up though


Oh it’s definitely trolling. For four years this weirdo has been making these threads, all with the ‘… makes no sense’ title format. See for yourself.

The post might start semi-reasonably to lure you in, then it turns increasingly batshit, and you realise this stink-clown is just trying to waste your time.


I'll take your word for it. Unfortunately i read his thread b4 the comments, lol. Im on alert now.


There was a similar troll called ‘slimone’ who would spend 24/7 trying to spoil as many films as possible, but disguised as some clueless foreigner writing a review. Here’s an example (spoilers for Road To Perdition):

Eventually the fucker got banned.


Hahahaha! Woe betide the boy who looks up a film on the net he has yet to watch.


He got banned, huh? A travesty.


That guy has pages and pages of posts doing the exact same thing where he ruins the ending in the last sentence of his post. He was really dedicated to his mission.


I really believe he's autistic. It seems he thinks he's being clever by questioning science in science fiction. Would anyone with a normally functioning brain argue why this brand of time travel isn't correct in a physical universe where time travel itself is impossible?

Maybe he thinks he's building some kind of brand or reputation as some sort of genius who pokes holes in movies thinking of things that no one else is smart enough to think of themselves (Dunning Krueger Effect), and that he'll be admired for it.

Sometimes he just doesn't point out things that should be ignored in every movie, he's spectacularly wrong. Look at this recent gem:

Someone should take a Wiffle bat, paint "suspension of disbelief" on it, and crack him over the head with it.


Or as Barney Fife would say: "He's a nut."


Yeah he’s all kinds of messed up. An autistic narcissistic troll who picks at his own anus all day and throws whatever he finds on here.


What else makes no sense is humans evolved on another planet and Earth's yellow sun gives them superpowers. Please post about that.


BEWARE! Avortac4 is a troll trying to waste everyone's time with such idiotic comments. Look at his posts. He doesn't think anything in any film makes sense. His post may seem like it makes sense in the first sentence or two. But he always quickly wanders off into a completely idiotic idea, and then writes a wall of text that makes no sense. And his sole purpose is to waste your time, thinking he's cute for doing so. Don't feed the troll. If you write a comment, you're giving this troll EXACTLY what he wants. Don't comment after my comment.


I don’t think he was literally reversing the rotation, but was traveling so fast that the earth was rotating in the opposite direction due to time being reversed



You have it exactly right and this has been explained so many times. Ignoring Avortac, who seems to have a one-track and very limited mind, the scene can be confusing.The method in the movie is classic Superman from the comics; flying faster than light in a clockwise direction takes one to the future and flying counter-clockwise takes one into the past. There isn't any particular reason for that, but it was done consistently through the Silver Age to depict Superman's time travel technique. (and it was not used for anyone else who could do it in the DC universe.)

Author of the Sodality Universe

The Road from Antioch
In the Markets of Tyre
Flight to Lystra
The Theater at Ephesus
The Council on Jerusalem

The Shattered World series begins in 2025


I didn’t know they had that in the comics too, very cool!


star wars also dosent make any sense.
