Special Features?

First off, obligatory celebratory dance for the DVD release.

But now, are we going to get a commentary? John is the best commentary director ever.


well said m8. i agree. he always does the best commentarys

we all go a little mad sometimes....


A 6 min featurette is your lot unfortunately but if you have a R2 only machine the Warner disc will work as I tested it on my region locked X-Box 360.



we all go a little mad sometimes....


It sucks that Carpenter didn`t do a commentary track on DVD but we get an featurette instead. Is it a new featurette about the filmmaker or a old one. There`s rumors that Carpenter didn`t do a commentary track, because he was planning one for Elvis. I heard now that Carpenter will finally directed a movie soon, it`s been so long after Ghosts of Mars.

Also, this movie is for sale at Wal-Mart for $11. Twisted Terror Collection Box Set isn`t alivable here, where i live. I am a big fan of Carpenter`s movies. I know Carpenter originally wrote it for the big screen. Is this movie any good ?

The reason, i asked. I was so disappointed with the work of Wes Craven`s made for tv movies. Is "Someone`s Watching Me!" any good and does it look better than the normal tv movie, we normally see ?


its fantastic. one of his best movies.

we all go a little mad sometimes....


Thanks for the info, i would love to buy it but Wal-Mart won`t even get the Twisted Terror Box Set. They only have Someone`s Watching Me and From Beyond the Grave for sale. I live in the province of Québec. They won`t get it, because of the movies are only in English! Damn it to hell goddamn, there`s french subtitles on these movies. I guess, i have to order it from a video store instead to get the box set.


order it from ebay friend. its not 2 expensive. peace.

we all go a little mad sometimes....
