DVD re-release

Finally released on DVD this month (April 2004), and plays really well 26 years after its initial release. Unfortunately, no added extras in the DVD re-release (would love follow-up interviews with the principals, but alas ...). Sure, it's not a Henry Miller or Harold Pinter play, or teleplay, but there should be room for lighthearted drama in the world. I watched it again after maybe 20 years, and still laughed and cried. Stories about the passage of time, and how people change, are irresistible. There's a reason Same Time, Next Year remains a staple of community theatre. Solid laughs and painful drama if you accept the characters. And now you can add the patina of even more time having passed, from 1951 to 1977, to 2004. Poignant. (Too bad the REAL Sea Shadows Inn -- the Highlands Inn at Carmel, CA -- is $500+/night!).

<[email protected]>


I have been searching to obtain a copy of this movie for sometime. To hear it has been re-released on DVD is great! Can somebody please tell me where I can obtain a copy in the United Kingdom. Thanks.


I have also been looking for a copy of "Same Time Next Year" on DVD. As I live in Australia, I have been looking for a copy sold (and formatted) in the UK. Were you successful at finding a site where you could purchase a copy in the UK?


it's only available as a region 1 dvd - if you have a region-free dvd-player and have a creditcard, you could buy the dvd from www.playusa.com - no delivery costs from them and they're pretty fast.


Where can I obtain a DVD of this movie for purchase?


I just picked up a copy of this movie on DVD a couple weeks ago at Costco in the US for about $8.99 US.


I also love this movie....and I've been trying to figure out if it's a remake of an older movie. Anyone know for sure?

A great movie lets us step out of our life and into a different world for a couple of hours!


No, the REAL Sea Shadows Inn was Heritage House in Little River, CA, near Mendocino. They even have the "Sea Shadows Inn" sign on the porch of the cabin used in the film.
