Oscar Nods?

Did anyone else think it was odd that Ellen Burstyn received a Best Actress Oscar nomination for this film and Alan Alda did not? I mean, it's basically a two character piece...one role does not work without the other and I find it very odd that they would nominate Burstyn and overlook Alda. Anyone agree? Or does anyone think Burstyn should not have been nominated?


i loved them both in this film, but if i recall alan alda seemed to be doing 'alan alda'-- not much of a departure from what most people saw him doing during the week. i found his performance charming, but remember he reigned supreme on t.v. as hawkeye. also, the film industry (during the 70's) was very elitist regarding t.v. actors making the move to film. i don't know. maybe some of this explains why he wasn't nominated.



Alan Alda is always doing Alan Alda. He is just one of those actors who cannot depart from his real persona. However, I have seen him be pretty conniving and mean in some movies as well as funny, so I know he really can act.

Burstyn is well trained and a great character actress and can hold her own pretty well among any actress in Hollywood. She is really respected. Isn't she the current president of The Actor's Studio?

I don't see her carrying a movie all on her own. But if she is in a movie it will be a class act, for sure.
I remember thinking it was a sin to not at least nominate Alda for that movie. But stuff like that happens ALL the time in Hollywood.

