
This is one of my favorite movies of all time.

One of the first that shows that the antagonist is actually the protagonist and it slowly starts to reveal itself throughout the film but then something implicates that maybe Fats is alive but at the end everything is clear.

I know there are a lot of similar movies like Secret Window, Hide and Seek, etc where the main character has multiple personalities.

But would there be a remake? Is there anyway we can ASK for the rights for a remake?

And if there was, which actors and how would they portray the movie. Would they show that Corky is schitzo towards the middle? The end? Or would they do what they did in the book and have different Timelines, different people telling the story and then one big KAPOW in a random scene?


i hope they won't try and remake this one ... it can't get any better ... this was a 'perfect' movie ... indeed a real rarity but imho it's true ...

take care,

"One star in the sky
so I named it Otis Redding"
-- John Hiatt


There's one on the way as we speak. Sam Raimi is directing it.
