Is 'Fats' anyone else's nightmare?
I'm old enough to have seen Magic on the big screen when it first came out. (Well, not quite LEGALLY old enough, but I looked the part.) But the commercials were enough to keep me away...and I LOVE horror movies.
That puppet scared me. Not just in a "ugh what a creepy thing, someone change the channel" way. I'm talking throwing a hand up to block the TV while hollering for someone to turn it off turn it off TURN IT OFF!!! I had many nightmares featuring that sadistic, grinning mug. I literally screamed myself awake more than once.
For many years I thought I was just you being a ditzy broad. You know: something strikes you as horrible/funny/odd, but it's not really - it's just an odd glitch in your psyche. Then I recently started reading about how "he" affected a LOT of people (and not all kids). The commercial was frequently yanked after parents complained of how much it frightened kids (or maybe they were using the kids as an excuse?) All in all, it was a widespread and pretty intense case of the creeps.
How about you folks? Anyone else remember this pre-Chucky Doll 'O Doom from kid-hood?
Miz Requiem