Sandy’s Jacket

Olivia Newton-John recently auctioned the leather jacket she wore in the final scenes of Grease for $US243,000 to raise funds for the ONJ Cancer Wellness and Research Centre in Melbourne.

The unnamed bidder immediately donated it back to be put on permanent display in the Wellness Centre saying:

“The odds of beating a recurring cancer using the newest emerging therapies is a thousand-fold greater than someone appearing out of the blue, buying your most famous and cherished icon, and returning it to you, which is what I’m going to do right now.

“This jacket belongs to you and the collective soul of those who love you. Those for whom you are the soundtrack of their lives. It should not sit in a billionaire’s closet for country club bragging rights.

“For this reason, I humbly and respectfully return it to its rightful owner, which is you. Godspeed for a quick recovery.”

I’m glad there are still people like this in the world.


That's a touching story.
